Home / Friday Sermons / November 5th, 2004


Summary of Friday Sermon Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba)

With its new financial year starting on 1st November, Huzoor(aba) delivered today’s Friday Sermon on the scheme of Tehrik e Jadid. Huzoor(aba) gave a brief background of this extraordinary scheme of monetary sacrifice. In 1934, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra) initiated this scheme to facilitate propagation of the message of Ahmadiyyat in response to a horrendous wave of opposition that had taken off. In the first year of the appeal, the scheme collected 14 to 15 times more than the set target. Huzoor(aba) explained this total was reached through the sacrifices of those who could only afford to give very little and did so by cutting down on their living expenses. It is through the remarkable sacrifices of these individuals - who had little -that the message of Ahmadiyyat was taken outside of the Indian sub-continent.

In light of a discourse by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV(rh) Huzoor(aba) urged the families of the five thousand individuals who made immense sacrifices in the first year of the scheme to continue to pay on their behalf and to never let their ‘accounts’ close. Huzoor(aba) explained that Allah has subsequently greatly endowed these families and it should be fairly easy for them to continue to pay on behalf of their elders. Huzoor(aba) said Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV(rh) had reinstated 3,400 such accounts but some have since fallen behind. He urged families to pay directly to Rabwah so that a record can be maintained. Huzoor(aba) also said that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV(rh) had taken personal responsibility of 1000 old accounts at the rate of Rupees 5 each, and had pledged that his family would continue the tradition. Huzoor(aba) directed that he was given details of the remainder unclaimed ‘old accounts’ and that he would take responsibility of these and hoped that in future his family is enabled to carry it on.

To date there have been four ‘dafters’ or registers of Tehrik-e-Jadid spread over 70 years. Today Huzoor(aba) announced the commencement of the 5th register. He appealed that all those who have not taken part in Tahrik-e-Jadid so far, should join the 5th register, especially the new generation and the new converts in all the countries. He said the new converts must be informed about the spiritual benefits that financial sacrifices reap from the start and should be asked to participate in Tahrik e Jadid. Huzoor(aba) said indeed some new converts were upset because they were not properly informed about the importance of participation in financial offerings in the way of Allah.

With reference to monetary sacrifices, Huzoor(aba) counselled ladies to inculcate the habit of moderation and simplicity, and avoid spending money for ostentatious purposes. In doing so, he said, they would reap tremendous blessings from Allah. Huzoor(aba) said children should be made to learn the obligation of making financial sacrifices with their pocket money; indeed the Waqf-e-Nau children should take special attention in this regard. Huzoor(aba) read out relevant Ahadith of the Holy Prophet(sa) and writings of the Promised Messiah(as) on the subject of making financial sacrifices in the cause of Allah. Huzoor(aba) explained that the monetary sacrifices one makes for Tahrik-e-Jadid was as if a prelude to Nizam-e-Wassiyat (the system of making a will in the Community) which in turn is very closely connected with the institution of Khilafat.

Huzoor(aba) profusely thanked Allah for making each progressing year better than the previous one for Tehrik-e-Jadid. This year again Allah bestowed tremendous blessings on the Community, 127 countries participated in the scheme and a total of £3,160,000 was paid into Tehrik-e-Jadid. Pakistan maintained its 1st position worldwide while USA remained in 2nd position albeit with the highest per capita donations. Huzoor(aba) was most pleased to announce that UK Jama’at has moved upwards and has attained the 3rd position this year.

In the end, Huzoor(aba) asked for special prayers for our Jama’ats in Pakistan and in particular in Bangladesh where bitter persecution continues. Today, in Bangladesh a mob tried to attack an Ahmadiyya Mosque, but was dispersed by the police. Huzoor(aba) prayed that may the government of Bangladesh continue to perform its duty with wisdom, goodwill and diligence, and that may the government of Pakistan too employs astuteness and keeps politics and religion separate!

May Allah grant us the ability to continue the mission of the Promised Messiah(as).

Printed from www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/2004-11-05/
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