Home / Friday Sermons / April 20th, 2012

Faith and Resoluteness of the Companions of Promised Messiah (a.s.)

Summary of Friday Sermon Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba)

Hudhur Aqdas related a few more incidents of the companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) highlighting their resoluteness.

Mian Abdullah Khan sahib: He writes that although he had taken Bai’at he did not meet the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in person. Once during the year of the plague in India someone asked him if he believed Hadhrat Isa (on whom be peace) was alive and he replied from a scientific perspective that he did not. He was then told that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had claimed that he was the Promised Messiah and that the Messiah of the Israelites had passed away. Mian sahib immediately wrote a letter of Bai’at and soon after left for Africa. His father had not opposed him at the time of his Bai’at but wrote to him when he was in Africa that unless he gave up his belief in the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) he would disinherit him. Mian sahib was employed as a station master in the railways at the time. He did not reply to the letter for ten days and then mentioned it to his wife. His wife was uneducated but she said that God had provided for them and if his father did not accept the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) why did he want them to renounce their belief? She said if he so wished he could disinherit them. Mian sahib’s father wrote back and said that Mian sahib was his only son and he had written the first letter on the incitement of others. Mian sahib wrote back as he had earlier and the father also responded in the same manner. When Mian sahib came home on leave he discussed the matter with his father. His father told him that he knew Mirza sahib from the time when he was employed in Sialkot and was perhaps twenty, twenty-two years old and was a very pious person. He said he was also of similar age at the time. A man had come to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), which the father had witnessed himself, and told him that he thought he was the Mahdi. Hearing this, Mian sahib said to his father that this was a sign from God for him, but the father said even if Mirza sahib was truthful, he would not accept him. Mian sahib said Istighfar and left.

Hadhrat Sheikh Abdul Rasheed sahib (may Allah be pleased with him): He writes that [following his Bai’at] his parents had turned him out of the family home when a friend of his parents suggested to him that they should see a certain Maulwi so that it could be understood what Rasheed sahib had to say. He writes that he was very enthusiastic in those days so he agreed. Upon meeting, the Maulwi remarked why the person had brought the Kafir along. Rasheed sahib was upset to hear this but decided to stay to conclude the matter and his acquaintance also said that if the Maulwi could not explain matters to the young man how he could explain to any other ‘Mirzai’? The Maulwi cited a Hadith and went on to give a detailed commentary on it but Rasheed sahib said the words of the Hadith proved that it was open to interpretation and he then started to cross examine the Maulwi which bothered him. The Hadith under question is related in Bukhari and Muslim and is as follows: ‘How fragile will be your condition when son of Mary, who will be the embodiment of Messiah, will descend; he will be your Imam and will be from among you.’ Hudhur Aqdas explained that another version states, ‘due to being from among you he will carry your Imamat’. Rasheed sahib told the Maulwi that he was interpreting it incorrectly. He cited Quranic verses to support his argument and also related another Hadith and gave its detailed commentary. The Maulwi was perplexed and enraged and told his father’s friend that did he not tell him he would not listen? The Father’s friend reported to the father that the Maulwi could not make Rasheed sahib understand his point of view but then assured him by saying, ‘he is a youngster, he will understand’.

Hudhur Aqdas explained that with the grace of God knowledge of Maulwis cannot even match our youngsters but Maulwis are stubborn. Saqib Zairvi sahib wrote that once he happened to overhear a ‘scholar’ Ataullah Shah Bukhari say that even if God told him that Mirza sahib was truthful, he would not accept it.

Relating about Hadhrat Abdul Hassan sahib, Ali Muhammad sahib writes that his opponents used to persecute him most harshly but this did not deter him and he carried on doing Tabligh.

Hadhrat Hafiz Ghulam Rasool Wazirabadi (may Allah be pleased with him): He writes that he once arrived in Qadian exasperated by the opposition and the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) asked him why he was so perturbed? Hafiz sahib writes it appeared from the tone of voice of the Promised Messiah’s (on whom be peace) that he wanted to offer financial help but Hafiz sahib only wanted peace of mind. He writes he had gone to Qadian to strengthen his heart by virtue of the power of holiness of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). He writes one should not go to those commissioned by God to take financial help, rather one should make an offering. He writes the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) prayed a lot for him.

Hadhrat Babu Abdul Rahman sahib (may Allah be pleased with him): He writes that his relatives, friends and neighbours were very pleased with him due to his humility and meekness but after they heard the news of his Bai’at, everyone apart from his ancestral relatives, who had taken Bai’at with him, became his great enemies.

Hudhur Aqdas said this is what happens with Prophets of God and their followers. Hudhur said once Hudhur went to a village near Faisalabad where non-Ahmadis told him about Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Mazher sahib that they had not seen a lawyer as pious, pure, God-fearing, honest as him who always took on the right cases. But he had one defect and that was that he was a Qadiani.

Babu sahib writes that his relatives shunned him and also incited the public to do the same. The milkman stopped serving him and it was said that anyone who passed from under an Ahmadi house will become a Kafir. However, the irony was that the Maulwis who thus advised people, ate at Babu sahib’s house. After his Bai’at he started offering his Salat separately and the neighbours argued about this. He stopped going to the mosque to offer Salat and started congregational Salat at home. However the owner of the [rented] house asked him to vacate the house. Babu sahib rented another house and carried on with congregational Salat there. Meanwhile they purchased some property to build a mosque and an Ahmadi Dr. Basharat sahib moved to the area. His presence gave a lot of strength to the local Jama’at, he was passionate and openly led Salat. He was ever engaged in Tabligh and used to say that he wished he could have it written in bold letters that Hadhrat Isa (on whom be peace) has passed away and could announce it by displaying the words on his chest.

Hadhrat Sheikh Ataullah sahib (may Allah be pleased with him): He writes that he received acceptance of his Bai’at via post from Qadian, accompanied by some literature including the newspaper Al Hakm. Sheikh sahib says he publicised the paper and it became popular but this was followed by extreme opposition. Frequent rallies were held and Ahmadis were forced to ‘repent’. As a result, a few weak Ahmadis who could not endure the harsh treatment, started to slip and leave. Sheikh sahib writes only two other Ahmadis and he remained firm. One of them had by the grace of God partaken the spiritual light directly from the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in person at Qadian but God had enabled Sheikh sahib to have enlightenment from the unseen and none of the opposition influenced him. In fact the more they tried to scare him, the stronger his faith grew.

Hadhrat Mian Abdul Majeed Khan sahib (may Allah be pleased with him): He writes that once opponents held a large rally in which animosity against him was voiced. Many schemes against him were uttered, he was warned about [social] boycott and uneducated people were incited against him by calling him a traitor and a rebel. One night Mian sahib left for the woodland where he turned to the Qibla and in his mind asked the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) for some help. He cried with anguish and God listened to his cries. Here Hudhur Aqdas explained that Mian sahib’s condition did not connote any element of shirk. It was just his manner that he had the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in mind as he prayed to God to save him from the cruelty of people. Indeed, he was pleading God. Mian sahib writes that he fell asleep and had a dream in which he saw that opponents have encircled his house and are shouting that they will kill him. Meanwhile, the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) appears and holds his arms and turns his face towards the heavens and says ‘fly towards the heavens’. Mian sahib writes that it is with the power of the holiness of the Promised Messiah that he flies to the heavens as the opponents stood watching in astonishment. When he woke up he was very happy and was completely convinced that the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was commissioned by God. Next morning opponents gathered around his house once again and Mian sahib told them that through His manifestation God had given him such strength that even if his body was sawn off his heart could not turn away from the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). Next night he saw in his dream that the police has encircled his house and is saying that now the government will pressurise him and if he did not desist, he will be killed. Mian sahib is very anxious when once again the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) appears and holds both his arms by his blessed hands and again turns his face towards the heavens and tells him to fly towards the heavens and as the night before, Mian sahib flies towards the heavens. He writes that both these dreams immensely strengthened his faith. At the time of writing he had not seen the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and says in response to his letter he received a letter from the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) asking him to promptly go to Qadian.

Hadhrat Ameer Khan sahib (may Allah be pleased with him): He writes that after his Bai’at he returned to his village from Qadian. A very arrogant person of the village became his opponent and exceeded limits in abusive language but Khan sahib bore it all with patience. This was the time of plague in India. The man’s family was struck by it and one after the other they all perished so much so that he had to go to his married daughter’s house in the next village to eat. Eating at daughter’s in-laws was worse than death for him. He was around sixty years old and did not have much property. One day when Khan sahib was reciting the Qur’an after Fajr at mosque, he came to him and said, ‘look at the state of me’, He then faced the Qibla and said he had no animosity towards Mirza sahib.

Hudhur Aqdas said these were a few incidents of resoluteness of the companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). The Jama’at that God granted to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) remains just as extraordinarily resolute today. Hudhur Aqdas receives letters and meets people in person, both men and women, who relate incidents regarding this. What the power of holiness of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) cultivated in his companions, continues to prevail today. May God elevate the stations of these companions who accepted the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and may God grant resoluteness to their families as well as to those who are joining the Community now and also to those who will join in the future.

Next Hudhur Aqdas related some incidents of the companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) highlighting God’s miraculous protection for them.

Hadhrat Barkat Ali sahib (may Allah be pleased with him): He writes that during the earthquake of 4.4.1905 he was buried under the rubble of his house and was taken out with great difficulty. A couple of days prior to the earthquake the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) had foretold it and had leaflets printed. Barkat Ali sahib was present in Qadian at the time of the prophecy and had brought a lot of leaflets with him and had distributed them to people. He writes that he worked as a clerk in those days and could spare the time to go and see a companion Mirza Raheem Baig time to time. He writes that all the Ahmadis in the area were saved in the earthquake although he thinks 90% of people in the area lost their lives and the fact that Ahmadis survived the great earthquake was a magnificent sign. He writes that the reasons/causes of his family surviving as well as the survival of other families are all individual signs. A few days after the earthquake, he went to see the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in Qadian and saw that the Promised Messiah was residing in a tent under the shade of a mango tree. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) asked him how he had survived after being buried under the rubble. Barkat Ali sahib explained that a bedstead had saved him. The bedstead had borne the weight of a huge wall. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) asked similar questions about the survival of other Ahmadis although he had clearly stated in his leaflet that not even one Ahmadi would lose his or her life in the earthquake and Barket Ali sahib says that he was sure God had informed the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) that this had come to pass. Barkat Ali sahib was the first person to report to him. Blessed are those who take a lesson from this sign and accept the one commissioned by God.

Hadhrat Chaudhry Abdul Hakeem sahib (may Allah be pleased with him): He writes that he met with an Ahmadi, Maulwi Badr ud din sahib who was a primary school headmaster. Maulwi sahib gave him the newspaper Al Hakm to read. He writes that he remembers that on the front page of Al Hakm there would be the sub-headings of ‘Fresh Divine Revelation’ and ‘Blessed pronouncements of the Imam of the Age’. Reading these he used to feel a great attraction and love compelling him to present himself to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). In spite of others provoking him against it, he accepted Ahmadiyyat. Maulwi Badr ud din asked him to visit Qadian. Chaudhry sahib and an Ahle Hadith Maulwi prepared for journey to Qadian. He took leave from work but did not have enough fare money for train travel to go all the way to Qadian. So he and his companion bought tickets that they could afford. On the journey when they saw the ticket checker approaching them they had no choice but to pray to God that they were going to see His true Messiah and they prayed that God helped them in their situation. God listened to their prayers. When the ticket checker came to them they showed him their tickets. He had a good look at them but returned them without saying anything. Chaudhry sahib writes it was a miracle that God saved them from disgrace and the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) became clearer still to them. After reaching Batala, they travelled on foot to Qadian.

Hadhrat Allah Ditta sahib Headmaster (may Allah be pleased with him): He writes that with His extraordinary grace, God saved him from a thousand close-to-death situations.

Hadhrat Master Wadaway Khan sahib (may Allah be pleased with him): He writes about the time of the plague that one day on his return home his wife stood outside and told him that there were dead rats in their house. He told his wife not to worry because the Jama’at was to be safe. He swept clean the inside of the house. The second day the rats returned and once again he assured his wife and cleaned the house. On the fourth day his wife said she had developed swelling but Master sahib assured her that in the morning he would write a letter to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) for prayers. He wrote the letter in the morning and says that probably the letter would not have even reached Qadian when the swelling was gone and his wife’s health was restored. A few days later their one year old son developed swelling. Again, Master sahib wrote a letter requesting prayers to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and reassured the family. The child’s swelling was also gone of its own accord. The plague was so intense at that the time that hundreds of people died every day and the numbers were daily announced.

Hudhur Aqdas said he wanted to clarify here that the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) had issued clear instructions with regard to the plague and it is possible that they had not reached Master sahib because the companions always promptly acted upon the Promised Messiah’s (on whom be peace) instructions. Hudhur Aqdas said while the incident illustrates the strength of his faith but the instruction of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was:

‘Our instruction is that it is better if friends in Lahore issue posters that a house which has dead rats or which has disease nearby should be promptly vacated and move to a house outside the city should be made. It is the command of God that apparent arrangements should not be abandoned. It is forbidden to live in unclean, dark and narrow houses anyhow, whether there is plague or not. Every kind of uncleanliness should be avoided; clothes should be clean, the place should be tidy, body should be kept clean. These are important matters and alongside one should engage in prayer and Istighfar.’

He also said:

‘Plague also broke out in the time of Hadhrat Umer (may Allah be pleased with him). Muslim army had gone to a place where there was a severe outbreak of plague. When news of this reached Hadhrat Ameer ul Momineen in Medinah he sent instructions to promptly leave the area and to go to an elevated hill. Thus the army was saved. A man had objected at the time saying, ‘do you run away from God’s decree?’ He replied, ‘I run from one Divine decree to another Divine decree and what matter is there that is outside the decree of God?’

Hudhur Aqdas said this is the general instruction. One should not knowingly put oneself in trouble. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) also said that God had made two promises to him. One was that He would save people of his/the house from plague. The other promise was about the Jama’at that there was peace for those who have accepted and have not adulterated their faith with any injustice. They alone are the guided ones. He said this was God’s promise that those people of the Jama’at will be saved who will fully act upon the Promised Messiah’s (on whom be peace) instructions and remove the dirt of their inner weaknesses and mistakes and will not be inclined to the evil of the ‘self’. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said many people take Bai’at but do not correct their deeds. Hudhur Aqdas said these two promises are guiding lights of protection from every trouble, every epidemic and for this we have to be mindful of our faith all the time.

Hadhrat Maulwi Sufi Ata Muhammad (may Allah be pleased with him): He writes that it was very difficult for him to go and see the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) because he could not get leave from work. Once he read in the paper that the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was coming to Jhelum. The next day was a Sunday and Sufi sahib decided to go to Jhelum. He walked through mountainous track to reach the train station at a distance of 3 miles. The track was difficult to cross even during the day but Sufi sahib put his trust in God and started off in the evening. He ran through most of the track in the dark, but by coincidence he had a light in front of him throughout, making it easy for him. Perhaps another person was making the same journey. The train was about to depart when he reached the station. He travelled to Jhelum and saw the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).

Hadhrat Ghulam Rasool Rajiki (may Allah be pleased with him): He writes that when he was a young man he saw in a dream that he is crushed under an elephant. In the morning someone asked him to join a party that was going on elephant-back to see storm in the river Bayas. Rajiki sahib writes the dream had affected him a lot and due to the association of elephants he declined but other friends coaxed him to join. Reluctantly Rajiki sahib decided to go. They left on the back of three or four elephants. At the river a young man was jumping from the bridge, which had many arches/abutments, onto the stormy waters and emerging from the closest arch/abutment of the bridge on the other side. Rajiki sahib writes that he was also a swimmer so he asked the young man that it would be significant if rather than emerge from the closet arch, he emerged from an arch/abutment further away. The young man said there was storm and it was difficult to emerge from a further away arch. When he found out that Rajiki sahib was also a swimmer he dared him to show what he was suggesting. Rajiki sahib jumped from the bridge and emerged from an underneath arch. He then decided to jump from a further point the second time. By chance he jumped straight into a vortex/whirlpool and was trapped into it. He tried all he could to escape but to no avail. He was submerged under the very strong currents and it appeared impossible to get out of the whirlpool. His energy was depleted and he felt he was going to perish in a few minutes. His friends were watching all this from atop the bridge and clamouring, they could see the desperate situation but Rajiki sahib writes none of them thought of throwing down something for him to hold onto. Meanwhile, the situation in the water was turning extremely despairing and it seemed as if life was about to abate in a few moments. Just then there was a dramatic change and by virtue of the blessing of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) under whose instruction Rajiki sahib sahib had travelled to the area, a manifestation came to pass. While he was totally at the mercy of the whirlpool, emerging, submerging in it and having no energy of his own, as if a very strong hand threw him out of the vortex. He was thrown so far from the whirlpool that he ended up with a tree branch in his hand, a tree that was along the river side. Supported by the branches of the tree, and by the sheer grace of God alone, he came to the river bank. Thus the fulfilment of his dream came to pass and he realised that being crushed under an elephant in dream can materialise as having to face another kind of calamity. He writes that he also realised that his escape from the whirlpool was by virtue of the blessings of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) as he was in the area under his instructions, otherwise the situation was quite hopeless.

Hudhur Aqdas said these incidents highlight the state of the faith of his companions as well as they show their belief in the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). Otherwise a worldly person would have attributed escaping from the vortex to coincidence. We should all inculcate such state of faith, may God enable us so.

Printed from www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/2012-04-20/
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