In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.

Love for All, Hatred for None.

Browse Al Islam

Islam in the West

Excerpt from the Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad on August 18, 1978 at London, before his election as Khalifatul Masih IV. (Tariq, Spring 1988)

Secondly, we know that Hazrat Maseeh-e-Maood [The Promised Messiah], peace be on him, has been categorically told of his success in the Western world. There is also a prophecy by Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, 1,400 years ago. He told us that he saw the sun rising from the West. This means that the Western world is going to accept Islam. No other interpretation can be given to this when you talk of its spiritual meaning. Similarly, Maseeh-e-Maood [The Promised Messiah], peace be on him, saw in a vision that he caught white birds in London. He knew that Ahmadiyyat is going to spread. These were the very early birds. Not that they were all the birds he was going to catch. They were the early few birds he was going to catch. So I simply do not believe and I cannot agree with those who say that Western people cannot accept Islam. This is totally wrong.