In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.

Love for All, Hatred for None.

Browse Al Islam


by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
March 25th, 2005

(NOTE: Alislam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon by Sister Shermeen Butt)

Holy Prophet's Noble Practice of Consulting and Conferring with Others

Citing verse 160 of Surah Al Imran (Ch. 3:160) today Huzuraba delivered the Friday Sermon on the Holy Prophet’s noble practice of consulting and conferring with others. The verse enjoins the Holy Prophet to consult others, while affirming that he is a kind and compassionate person. In doing so the verse counters the disbelievers’ allegation that the Holy Prophet was hard-hearted and wilful. Not only was he kind hearted he even consulted his opponents in matters of national importance. This is the blessed model that Allah enjoins the ummah to follow in accordance with their individual capacities; indeed the Holy Prophet’s intense inclination towards seeking consultations was to establish guidance for his ummah.

The Holy Prophet said that although Allah and His Messenger are independent of seeking consultation, the significance of the above verse is to inculcate the excellence of this practice among the ummah.

Huzuraba explained that these are the objectives under which the Jama’at follows the practice of Majlis e Shura (Consultative Executive) and it is due to this adherence that it is manifestly the recipient of Divine grace.

The Holy Prophet consulted others more than anyone else. He said that in matters other than those about which he received Divine revelation, he took other’s opinions. Even in grave personal matters he would go out of the way to confer with others; like when his beloved wife was wrongfully calumniated; he consulted with his Companions and kept his aloofness with her until he received Divine revelation that honourably exonerated her.

After his migration to Medina when the Meccans continued to be a source of harassment, the Holy Prophet gathered all the relevant chiefs for a consultation, giving great importance to the opinion of the native people of Medina with whom he had had the pact of Aqba on matters of defence. He had a deep understanding of human psychology and would thus resolve matters in the most apt manner. He established these blessed examples so that those who were to come later on (aakhareen) would follow them and thus link with the righteous people of early Islam (awwaleen).

Huzuraba said therein is a message for members of the Community who represent the ‘Shura’ to reflect on; they would only be true in safeguarding the System of Khilafat and the System of the Jama’at if they make this message a part of their lives.

Huzuraba related examples of the Holy Prophet conferring with his Companions when war was imposed on them and they were forced to defend themselves as well in matters of dealing with the prisoners of war, ever inclining towards mercy and compassion in this respect and accepting Hadhrat Abu Bakr’s (may Allah be pleased with him) benign approach. However, when the Meccans violated the Treaty of Hudaibiya and the Holy Prophet consulted his Companions as practise, he opted to take on Hadhrat Umer’s (may Allah be pleased with him) advice which was firm. The Holy Prophet likened Hadhrat Abu Bakr to Hadhrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace and Hadhrat Umer to Hadhrat Nuh (on whom be peace) in their outlook.

To those who in response to decisions of the Khalifa of the day cite references of earlier decisions, Huzuraba explained that this is the precept on which the Khalifa of the day also makes decisions; in accordance to the given situation; the objective being to reform and to restore human values.

Huzuraba related other incidents when the Holy Prophet consulted others in important matters; like establishing the words of the Adhan. He also took advice of women and said that one who is consulted is a trustee and should pay the due of the trust and one who gives advice without any due care or thought is one who violates trust. He enjoined to consult those who are sensible and who are sincere worshippers. In conclusion Huzuraba said therein is something for the Shura representatives to reflect over; they have been entrusted with membership of Shura in recognition of this standard and that they should utilize their wisdom and knowledge with dua (prayer) to formulate their advice.