In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.

Love for All, Hatred for None.

Browse Al Islam


by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
August 26th, 2005

(NOTE: Alislam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon by Sister Shermeen Butt)


Huzuraba gave Friday Sermon at Mannhiem, Germany on the occasion of the Jalsa Salana.

Huzuraba recited verse 104 of Surah Al Imran (3:104) and thus based his sermon on the subject of the significance of mutual love, brotherhood and unity as a consequence of holding onto ‘hublullah’ (rope of Allah).

Huzuraba began by citing the blessed example of the Companions of the Holy Prophetsaw and the most magnificent instances of mutual love and brotherhood that they demonstrated, insomuch their instinctive preference would be for their brother even when at the brink of death.

Huzuraba explained that [primarily] the ‘hublullah’ holding onto which one receives spiritual and moral courage is of course the last revealed Book of Allah; ‘hublullah’ was also the person of the Holy Prophetsaw. After him it was through his four Rightly Guided Khalifas, Khulfa e Rashideen that Muslims held onto ‘hublullah’. Their era was followed by seditious people and thus the united and moral strength was lost. Even today the ruinous condition of the Muslim world, despite some countries extremely wealthy with oil revenues, is because they have not held onto ‘hublullah’. Despite these ways of the Muslims Allah was not to expunge His religion; so it was in keeping with Divine promise and the prophecy of the Holy Prophetsaw that the advent of the Promised Messiahas took place to revive the message of Islam. The verse (3:104) carries a word of warning, to take lesson from history and to believe in the Messiah; otherwise one is indeed heading towards ruin.

Huzuraba said, also in line with the prophecy of the Holy Prophetsaw is the fact that the Khilafat to follow the Promised Messiahas would be on the precepts of prophethood and that it would continue till the Day of Judgment. Huzuraba admonished that let it be known that now ‘hublullah’ is the person of the Promised Messiahas and it will be by abiding by his teaching and adhering to his Khilafat that one can maintain strength.

Huzuraba drew attention towards enacting on the conditions of bai’at , on the minute details of these conditions. Huzuraba said these are the very matters on which the Khalifas also draw attention. However, referring to his recent inspiration for prayers for the 100 year of Ahmadiyya Khilafat in 2008, Huzuraba said all worship is ineffective if one does not pay the dues of one’s fellow human-beings.

Huzuraba said today each Ahmadi needs to have a correct perception and insight into ‘hublullah’; to establish excellent standards of sense of sacrifice like the Companions of the Prophet and to honour the rights of each other. This entails reciprocal honouring of brotherly rights, those between husband and wife, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, between friends and between each member of the Community.

Quoting verse 135 of Surah Al Imran (3:135) Huzuraba explained that the sense of sacrifice required to completely adhere to Allah’s commandments necessitates keeping one’s egotism in check; not only to shun evil but to respond to bad with good. Huzuraba said if one is righteous one is enabled to repress one’s egotism and anger to maintain the strength of one’s faith. Indeed the last stage for those otherwise greatly devout is to avoid anger and rage. Anger generates arrogance, haughtiness and vice versa. Anger and wisdom do not blend; one who gives in to rage cannot achieve success in any field. Huzuraba said we need to analyse ourselves, do some self-assessment. How could one who is devoid of wisdom have the perception of holding onto ‘hublullah’.

Enjoining reciprocal patience and tolerance for the sake of mutual strength, Huzuraba cited verse 47 of Surah Al Anfal and counselled that each person should be caring towards the other, the office-holders of the Community should be mindful of the self-respect of members of the Community and vice versa. The auxiliary organisations should conduct with each other with deference; all office-holders should pay heed to mutual respect. Huzuraba cautioned not to consider this a trifle matter and said that this is what inculcates high morals.

Elucidating the subject Huzuraba recounted a few Ahadith illustrating supreme sense of mutual love and care; to practice discretion as regards other’s weaknesses, to promote reconciliation and sense of forgiveness.

Huzuraba read relevant extracts from the writings of the Promised Messiahas and said that we, as a Community need to aspire to attain the moral station that the Promised Messiahas expected of us. Referring to the blessed days of Jalsa Huzuraba enjoined everyone to lay all their differences aside and to demonstrate mutual love and affection.

Huzuraba said in the current climate when the world’s eyes are focussed on Islam, we ought to undertake our responsibilities and emerge as ambassadors of true Islam.