In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.

Love for All, Hatred for None.

Browse Al Islam

Prayers (dua) and Ramadan

Summary of Friday Sermon

delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

October 28th, 2005

NOTE: Alislam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon

Huzuraba gave his Friday Sermon on the subject of prayer (dua) with reference to the last ten blessed days of Ramadan, citing verse 187 of Surah Al Baqarah (2:187). Huzuraba said that a believer long anticipates Ramadan, aspiring to bring pure changes in himself/herself and to make endeavours to seek Allah’s pleasure, yet the month goes by so quickly and now the last ten days are also passing by. In these last ten days Allah turns to His servants more than other times and acceptance of prayer is at a higher level. The blessed Night of Decree also falls during these last ten days, one night that is superior than a thousand months in terms of merit relating to worship of God.

With reference to the Holy Prophet’ssaw saying that these last ten days deliver one from hell Huzuraba said that therein is hope for even the most sinful of persons to purify themselves. Huzuraba said those who have been enabled to pray and follow the ways of Allah’s pleasure so far in Ramadan and those who had the misfortune of not doing so; each person should try and obtain the beneficence to these blessed ten days.

Huzuraba explained that the verse 187 of Surah Baqarah that he had recited teaches ways and means of acceptance of prayer; it connotes that one should not supplicate to Allah only for worldly reason. If one prays to Allah seeking Him and His nearness then Allah too reciprocates and enlightens His servant that He is not far at all, that He is very near and listens to their supplication. Huzuraba said friendships cannot be maintained by only seeking a friend in time of need, a durable friendship entails mutual concordance. So, Huzuraba explained worship of God should not be limited to the 30 days of Ramadan. Daily Salat should be observed regularly, other engagements reduced to accommodate it. One should only seek Allah’s help and should not let any other union/friendship get in its way, never falter and seek help elsewhere; this would signify a weak faith. Huzuraba went on to say that by definition faith is to affirm to the truth and then submit to it. He said we should all self-reflect as to how much we abide by the commandments of the Holy Qur’an, how much we have conformed to the conditions the Promised Messiahas set out for us. Unless our heart, our tongue and each part of all our extremities affirm to this our faith is not complete. We should ever analyse and check whether we pay the dues of worship of God, the dues of mankind; do we waver when faced with a personal advantage and forget everything.

Huzuraba said it is the requisite of prayer that it is made with patience and not haste. Citing verse 25 of Surah Al Rad (13:25) Huzuraba said Allah has sent peace on those who are patience then why must one digress and seek other ways. When Allah’s pleasure is gained so is His surety. Huzuraba added, the condition is that the patience is not abandoned after Ramadan. If during the experience of Ramadan one’s inclination is turned to Allah and to following the way of Allah, then we should adopt it in our daily lives. With reference to a hadith Huzuraba earlier referred to, he said during Ramadan we should also pray that we are delivered from the hell of the materialism of this world.

Huzuraba said we have the perfect example of the Holy Prophetsaw who worshipped the most during these last ten days of Ramadan. Explaining the hadith that one who keeps fasts of Ramadan while sincerely mindful and reflective of one’s self and in a state of faith will be forgiven their past sins, Huzuraba said it means that they will be turned off by sin and their each action will be one that seeks Allah’s pleasure.

Huzuraba related a few other Ahadith and read a few dynamic passages from the revered writings of the Promised Messiahas. One particular extract was from his book “Ayennah e Kamalat e Islam” and it was in the form of a touching prayer that the Promised Messiahas made for his nation, his people who had rejected him. Huzuraba read it in context with Pakistan and the recent earthquake misery there, saying that our hearts are distressed at their troubles.

Huzuraba prayed that may Allah accept our prayers and may He open their hearts.