In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.

Love for All, Hatred for None.

Browse Al Islam

History of Ahmadiyyat in Mauritius

Summary of Friday Sermon

delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

December 9th, 2005

NOTE: Alislam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon

Huzuraba delivered his Friday Sermon from the Dar us Salaam Mosque Mauritius and gave an inspiring account of history of Ahmadiyyat in Mauritius.

Huzuraba said with the grace of God his first trip to Mauritius was near its conclusion and that he had found the Jama’at of the small island most sincere and faithful. Huzuraba prayed for the local Community and inspired them to live up to the excellent model of early Ahmadis of the island. Huzuraba recounted that Ahmadiyyat was established in Mauritius in 1912 and had faced great opposition, yet the pioneer Ahmadis were resolute and ever inclined to Allah and stayed firm on their faith while continually seeking ways to enhance their religious knowledge. Following constant requests, in 1915, the first missionary Sufi Ghulam Muhammad Sahib was sent to Mauritius. He was detained by the authorities at the port and only set foot on the island after a Roshan Ali Sahib paid 30,000 in surety. With Sufi Sahib’s efforts the Community started growing. The second missionary in Mauritius was Hadhrat Hafiz Ubaidullah Sahib who worked tirelessly for the Community and passed away while actively serving. Hadhrat Khalifa tul Masih IIra remarked: “Maulwi Hafiz Ubaidullah was from our country who proved by example that he understood both devoting one’s life for faith and to honour this pledge as well…. Ubaidullah got the first chance of martyrdom from India.”

In 1928 Hafiz Jamal Ahmad Sahib was sent to Mauritius as a missionary. He requested that his family is also sent with him. This request was granted by Hadhrat Khalifa tul Masih IIra on the condition that he was to spend the rest of his life in Mauritius. When his children reached marriageable age he requested to be returned but was told to stay on as per the pledge. On his death Hadhrat Khalifa tul Masih IIra said about Mauritius: “Blessed is that land where one as supremely resolute and pious as him is buried”.

Huzuraba said he had mentioned these few early Ahmadis of Mauritius to illustrate their endeavours to the local Community; so that their sacrifices are commemorated and followed.

Huzuraba said it was the obligation of the Community to understand the point that these early people had accepted Ahmadiyyat in compliance with the commandment of the Holy Prophetsaw and had propagated it, again, in observance of the saying of the Holy Prophetsaw to desire for one’s brother what one desires for oneself.

Having understood this perspective, the Community should bring about pure changes in themselves and inculcate the love of Ahmadiyyat in their children as well as take this beautiful message to others.

Huzuraba reminded that Allah had revealed to the Promised Messiahas that He would take his message to the corners of the earth and this had come true in 1907 during the lifetime of the Promised Messiahas when without the aid of any missionary the message of Ahmadiyyat had spread in Mauritius; an island with a spot known as “End of the World”. Now, through MTA, this message is relayed around the clock to the far corners of the earth.

Huzuraba mentioned a few other early Ahmadis of Mauritius and said that his objective was to inspire the people of the Community through personal association of their elders’ determination and strength of faith so that they can follow in their footsteps.

Huzuraba read some extracts from the writings of the Promised Messiahas enjoining to adopt taqwa, to observe Salat regularly and sincerely, to fast with earnestness, for those for whom Zakat is pertinent, to pay it and for those who can afford to and have no hindrance to, perform Hajj; to carry out piety with flair and to be weary of what is wicked.

Huzuraba explained that while worship of God is honouring the dues of Allah, living with mutual love, brotherhood and harmony is paying the dues of mankind. He said this is a most fundamental principle that ought to be adhered to. While setting excellent models of worship of God, it is equally important to follow the principle of forgiveness and live with harmony, to put small differences aside and be as one so that the Community can advance with greater pace. Huzuraba cited part of verse 47 of Surah Al Anfal (8:47) to stress the significance of mutual concord.

Huzuraba drew the attention of the Community to the fact that they are lagging in the field of Tabligh. Huzuraba inspired them to follow in the footsteps of their elders and to bring about positive changes in themselves and present excellent examples to the world. Huzuraba instructed the local Jama’at to make plans for Tabligh. He said there were opportunities that ought to be utilised and that Tabligh was a way to receive Allah’s grace and to safeguard the next generation.

Huzuraba prayed for Mauritius Jama’at that may each one of them set excellent examples, may they sincerely understand the message of the Promised Messiahas so that they could train the next generation and the new-comers to Ahmadiyyat. May Allah enable them to overcome the shortfall in Tabligh, may their love and sincerity for Khilafat continue and may Allah enhance it further. Ameen.