In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.

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Australian Jamaat - Guidance and Advice

Summary of Friday Sermon

delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

April 21st, 2006

NOTE: Alislam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon

Huzuraba delivered his Friday Sermon from Sydney, Australia nearing the conclusion of his visit to the country.

Huzuraba gave a discourse based on matters and his observation of the Australian Jama’at. Huzuraba said while the Australian Jama’at was second to none in their sincerity and loyalty he had sensed some differences between the traditionalist and senior Ahmadis who were emigrants from Pakistan who have settled here and the youth who were born or raised in Australia and Ahmadis of other disparate ethnic backgrounds like the Fijian Ahmadis.

The youth and other ethnic groups considered the traditionalists as experienced and well-versed in matters of faith and looked up to them. This, Huzuraba said, placed a huge responsibility on the shoulders of the traditionalists to present excellent models and to lead appropriately. However, addressing the youth and the other ethnic groups Huzuraba said they had made the Bai’at of the Promised Messiahas and not of anyone else, so they ought to keep the Promised Messiah’sas model in view.

Reading an extract of the Promised Messiahas Huzuraba said that we were fortunate in that we have experienced that time of which each prophet of God had given glad-tiding of; in that we had ‘seen’ the Messiah, we needed to therefore, strengthen our faith and please our God, cleanse ourselves from malice, spite and hatred and exhibit moral miracles to the world.

Observing the manifestation of the grace of Allah on the Community of the Messiah is, Huzuraba explained, synonymous to ‘seeing’ the Promised Messiahas. Therefore, in appreciation of this, we should reinforce our faith and only look up to the Promised Messiahas and not any other person.

Huzuraba said we needed to self-reflect and analyse ourselves rather than be prying and judgmental about others. Self-reflection is what will please our Lord, it is what will dispel malice and it is what will establish moral miracles.

Reading further extracts from the writings of the Promised Messiahas enjoining to be sympathetic to all others, Huzuraba emphasized the importance of sympathy and love for one’s own kind. Huzuraba cited the Quranic description of believers as ‘tender among themselves’ (48:30) and said that unless we demonstrated excellent models of courtesy and stopped mutual ill will and resentment we could not be deserving to partake of this description.

Yet again citing the Promised Messiahas Huzuraba said that while it is important to have a connection with Allah to absorb His mercy, one also needs to give up these ills. If one prays to be rid of anger, jealousy etc. but does not adopt the ways and means to do so, the prayer is ineffective.

Allah commands not only to suppress anger but to do kindness instead. Huzuraba said to make endeavour in order to attain taqwa is also a latent form of worship. When man makes attempts in this regard, Allah opens up ways. He turns man’s ‘self that incites to evil’ (nafse ammarah) to the ‘self that reproves’ (nafse lawwama). In this second state man is embarrassed at every wrongdoing of his and turns to God; while at times man is inclined to wrong he also turns to the Rahman (Gracious) God and is in the pursuit of the third and the final spiritual state of ‘the soul at rest’ (nafse mutmainnah). Huzuraba said the more man turns to Allah the greater nearness he gets to Allah. The key is to be mindful of one’s weaknesses.

Explaining the concept of forgiveness Huzuraba said if a mistake is made it should be overlooked but if things exceed limits then the relevant people should be informed and then one must be silent about it. No one should feel that that so and so or an office-holder have malice towards them.

Laying stress on high morals and courtesy Huzuraba further quoted the Promised Messiahas and said that the faith of one who is not courteous is doubtful.

Huzuraba counselled to reform one’s practices, be a servant of the Gracious God and spread the message of Islam to others. Huzuraba said the traditional methods of Tabligh do not alone bear fruit; he emphasized that further planning was needed, new resources needed to be tapped into and the message of Islam needed to be taken to all social and ethnic groups.

Huzuraba directed that all proceedings of the Community should be carried out in English language which most people understood the best and people of ethnic groups other than the Pakistanis should be involved in the administrative system of the Community. Huzuraba directed the auxiliary organisations and the main Jama’at to make special arrangements for religious training of other ethnic groups. To the Fijian Ahmadis Huzuraba said that they should present themselves so that the office-holders have no choice but to involve them; Huzuraba advised them to mainly focus on Tabligh. He said the women should also come forward and work on Tabligh within their sphere.

Huzuraba said both sides needed to open their hearts and raise their spirit; he told them to be mindful of the system of the Community that runs under the auspices of the Khalifa.

In conclusion Huzuraba prayed that may Allah enable us to build a connection with the Gracious God and to be obedient to the system of the Community and may the Ahmadis of Australia take the message of Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam, to the majority of the Australian people as soon as possible.