In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.

Love for All, Hatred for None.

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Divine attribute of (Al Salam) The Source of Peace

Summary of Friday Sermon

delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

June 1st, 2007

NOTE: Alislam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon

Basing his Friday Sermon once again on the Divine attribute of Al Salam, today Huzur elucidated the subject with reference to verse 37 of Surah Al Nisa (4:37) the translation of which reads:

“And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and show kindness to parents, and to kindred, and to orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neighbour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom your right hand possess. Surely, Allah loves not the proud and the boastful,”

1. Huzur said the verse speaks of eleven acts of kindness through which the message of peace and security is taken to others. If believers were to firmly abide by these commandments it is a certainty that they would help maintain a tranquil society that would exude peace and security.

2. Firstly, one is enjoined to honour the rights of Allah, to worship the One true God and uphold His Oneness. Comprehension of this fundamental objective is crucial for a believer; as this alone is the path that leads to understanding Divine attributes through which beneficence may be sought.

3. Following this one is enjoined to honour rights of mankind and among these the foremost is kindness to parents. Indeed the Holy Qur’an is very clear and explicit on kindness to parents especially in light of their compassion and devotion during one’s childhood. As it explains in verse 25 of Surah Bani Israel (17:25) as well as verse 16 of Surah Al Ahqaf (46:16).

4. Explaining Huzur said one can only be counted as truly obedient to God and considered promoting peace and security if one abides by all the commandments among which one is to show kindness to parents.

5. Huzur said parent should be heedful that the ‘parents’ mentioned therein are those whose offspring do good, in other words parents need to bring up their children fostering peace and security. The verse of Surah Al Ahqaf first draws one’s attention in one’s capacity as an offspring praying for one’s parents and later in one’s capacity as parents praying for the offspring to be righteous.

6. Next one is enjoined to be kind to kindred, or close relations. Huzur explained this category includes both maternal and paternal familial ties as well as the relatives of one’s wife and one’s husband. One is enjoined to honour their rights and to respect them. This also includes those relative with whom one does not get on very well due to clash of personality etc. One is enjoined to be kind and courteous to them.

7. Huzur said at times husbands are unfair in their treatment of the relatives of wives while at other times wives are unreasonable in scoffing the relatives of husbands. Huzur said an Ahmadi society, which is commanded by Allah and His Messenger to spread peace and security, which has accepted the Imam of the age who expounded high morals to us, should be free from these issues.

8. Huzur said we face opposition because we have accepted one who is a prophet of God. Those who come into the fold of Ahmadiyya individually have to face this antagonism from their close family. In such instances it is all the more significant to sustain these familial ties and not bring dishonour to one whose advent took place to promote peace and security.

9. Huzur said regrettably complaints against some office-holders of the administration of the Community are received with regards meting out bad treatment to the family. The complaints can come in such huge numbers that it gets distressing. When action is taken against them they make protestation that they are deprived of serving the Community; this is something they need to consider before its too late.

10. Orphans and the needy are society’s weakest sections. Kindness to them is enjoined. At times this section of society gets embroiled in creating disorder; this can be a reaction to continual discrimination which is then taken advantage of by people with ulterior motives. The exploiters indoctrinate them in hatred and as these people feel completely browbeaten they take them as their well-wishers.

11. Huzur said it’s common in Third world countries for orphans and neglected children to be taken in by these exploiters. Disadvantaged families with several children send them to madrassas in the belief that they would at least get some religious education. However, a vast majority of these children are brainwashed and trained to create chaos including suicide bombing.

12. Relating a personal experience Huzur said he once met some lads during a hunt near Bhaira (Pakistan) who had been sent by their parents to a madrassa for religious education but they spoke of hand grenades, bullets and assembling guns. These children were clearly being exploited in the name of religion. It is the responsibility of the government to nurture these down-trodden children. Unless constructive organised methods of reaching out for them are promulgated a just society cannot be created. Moreover, kindness to orphans and the needy is a way to seek the pleasure of Allah. Huzur related a few Ahadith to elucidate the matter.

13. Huzur mentioned the organised way in which the Community provides care for the orphans, in Pakistan and the African countries. Huzur said there is a specific fund for this purpose and members of the Community should contribute generously to it. Similarly the Maryum Shadi Fund as initiated by Hadhrat Khalifa tul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him) helps disadvantaged families with marriages of their daughters. Huzur said contributions to this fund have slightly slowed down and hoped that in particular the affluent members of the Community would be drawn to contribute to it.

14. Moving on the categories that kindness is enjoined to in the Quranic verse, Huzur said neighbours whether they are related or not should be shown kindness to. A true servant of God is only distinguished when he/she treats even the outsider with kindness and consideration. Huzur related the Hadith in which the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said that so much emphasis was given to the rights of neighbours that he wondered if the neighbour would have a share in one’s inheritance.

15. Huzur said in the West people are busy in their own lives and perhaps the concept of neighbours is not the same. However when we show them unreserved goodwill they too respond positively. Huzur said since he initiated the scheme to foster goodwill with neighbours he has received many pleasant reports. As gifts are given on Eid as well as their festivals a positive response is noted in altering their view of Islam as an extremist religion.

16. Huzur said for the past two years the neighbours of Fazl Mosque are formerly invited and the Islamic teaching about neighbours are explained to them. This is received very well and Huzur often receives letters and cards from them. Huzur said while this cultivates peace and security it is also a means of Tabligh. For those among them who are not interested in religion at the very least the misconceived ill will towards Islam is removed.

17. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that ‘neighbourhood’ may stretch as afar off as a hundred miles. Huzur said with Ahmadis inhabiting 185 countries of the world, if they steeped a hundred miles around their area with neighbourly goodwill all the misconceptions of Islam being harsh would be erased.

18. The Quranic verses goes on to widen the horizons of kindness and goodwill and includes one’s colleagues, bosses, subordinates among those who should be the recipient of one’s kindness. Huzur said people we meet at our Community gatherings, Jalsa etc. too are among those deserving our kindness and affection. In fact on reflection no one is exempt from receiving the merits of this commandment.

19. It is enjoined to show kindness and compassion to travellers or wayfarers as well. In short, not even the slightest of opportunity to dispense kindness and goodwill is to be missed.

20. Next the commandment speaks of kindness to those who are employed by one to serve. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said all living creatures that are in one’s possession should be shown kindness and compassion.

21. In conclusion the verse declares that Allah does not like the arrogant and the boastful and that one who does not abide by these commandments cannot be a true servant of God, rather due to the arrogance one in fact follows the Satan. Arrogance is also a barrier in enabling one to discharge the rights of mankind.

22. Huzur said it is our good fortune that we have been enabled to accept the Imam of the age, we should therefore reflect on these issues, self-examine and work towards becoming a true servant of God, lest we are engulfed in matters that cause Divine displeasure and are deprived of blessings. We should seek Allah’s help, seek forgiveness for He is Ever Merciful and forgives unintentional wrong. Huzur counselled to seek Allah’s mercy and grace so that we are enveloped in His pardon.

23. May Allah perfect our faith and look upon us with pleasure and take us out of all troubles and may we experience His forgiveness and grace each moment.