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Can we interpret the verse of the Quran (8:75) as a prophecy pertaining to the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah?
Why did God raise the Promised Messiah from such an under-developed country such as India?
Do the particular names have any significance when Ahmad called himself sometimes "Adam, sometimes Moses, sometimes Jacob"?
Was Ahmad (the Promised Messiah) really of Persian decent?
Could you explain what the Promised Messiah (Ahmad) means when he claims that he is the "last khalifa of the Holy Prophet" and that he is the "last light"?
On what day was the Promised Messiah (Ahmad) born?
Why do we refer to Ahmad as the Messiah more often than we refer to him as the Mahdi?
Why was the office of prophethood conferred to the Promised Messiah (Ahmad) gradually?
Could you explain an article that a Russian scholar wrote about the miracles of Promised Messiah (Ahmad)?
Please elaborate about the life of Baba Sandhu who would document what happened to the close family members of the Promised Messiah (Ahmad) who did not accept Ahmadiyyat?
What is the meaning of the key and numbers in the revelation of the Promised Messiah (Ahmad) about "kings seeking blessings from your clothes"?
Is there a message in the manner of the Promised Messiah's (Ahmad) birth just as there was in Jesus's birth?
Why did God refer to the Promised Messiah (Ahmad) as "jerriullah" in one of his revelations?
What did Ahmad specifically claim when he claimed to be the Promised Messiah?
Can the "jalaali" messiah prophecied by Muhammad be a greater prophet than the Promised Messiah (Ahmad)?
Why didn't the Muslim scholars who came before Mirza Ghulam Ahmad discover the truths that he discovered?
How can one be certain that the criteria one uses to determine the truth of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad actually apply to him?
What is the meaning of an Urdu couplet of the Mirza Ghulam Ahmad that refers to arrival of Yusuf (Joseph)?
Why did Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (The Promised Messiah) praise the British Government?
Can the parable in Surah Ya-Sin be said to apply to the advent of the Promised Messiah?
What were the Muslim poets Hali's and Shibli Nomani's attitudes towards the Promised Messiah?
Why did Mirza Ghulam Ahmad gradually claim to be a prophet?
How should one respond to someone who asks why the world hasn't accepted Islam if the advent of the Promised Messiah is supposed to herald the victory of Islam?
Why did Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's first wife not accept Ahmadiyyat?
What was the miracle of Abdul Karim's recovery from rabies via the intercession of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad?
Why didn't Mirza Ghulam Ahmad live long enough to see the victory of Ahmadiyyat if the previous prophets had lived long enough to see the victory of their own religions?
How should one convince someone that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is the same Imam Mahdi and Promised Messiah as prophecied by Muhammad?
Why do Ahmadis believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be a prophet while most Muslims believe Muhammad to be the last prophet?
What would be the significance to Muslims if the Sign of the Eclipses, as mentioned in the Sayings of Muhammad, occurred again during the claim of another person to be the Imam Mahdi?
By likening Jesus to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad are Ahmadi Muslims claiming that just as Jesus was a deputy of Moses, so too, is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a deputy of Muhammad?
What right does man have to criticize God in the way He sends a Messiah if it is evident that the world is in need of one?
How can Mirza Ghulam Ahmad be considered a prophet if, unlike other prophets, he had human teachers?
Did anyone prepare the people for the advent of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad just as John the Baptist prepared people for the advent of Jesus?
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