Home / Friday Sermons / October 8th, 2004

Daawat Ilallah - Preaching (Tabligh)

Summary of Friday Sermon Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba)

Huzoor(aba) delivered his sermon from the new Mosque at Glasgow, U.K. After the Sura Fatiha, Huzoor(aba) recited verse 126 of Sura Al-Nahl. The translation is:

Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation and argue with them in a way that is best. Surely, thy Lord knows best who has strayed from His way; and He knows those who are rightly guided. (16:126)

Huzoor(aba) stated that he had spoken at length on the subject of Da’awat I’lallah a few months earlier. However, since this is one of the basic duties of the members of the Jama’at Ahmadiyya, there is no harm in repeating this subject over and over again. Huzoor(aba) stated that since the community in Scotland is relatively small, it was important to draw the attention of the local Jama’at to this important task. Huzoor(aba) stated that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ra) delivered the first sermon related to Friday the 10th at this very spot on May 10th, 1985. The subject of that sermon was also related to the propagation of the divine message in the world. This message was particularly directed to the Scottish Jama’at.

Huzoor(aba) stated that in accordance with the wishes of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ra) we have to pray and make an extraordinary effort to convey the message of Islam and Ahmadiyyat to the local population. Huzoor(aba) stated that so far there are only 12 local Ahmadis. However, seeing the manners of the local people it can be estimated that they will readily accept the message of Islam if we are sincere in our efforts. Allah never wastes sincere efforts. We will have to adopt the ways taught us by the verse of the Holy Quran earlier.

Huzoor(aba) stated that the mullahs have painted a very horrible picture of Islam in the world. When the local people will see that you are different kind of Muslims there will be a positive image created in their minds. Huzoor(aba) advised that the members should establish personal relationships with the local people, specially with the old people, who are often lonely and abandoned by their relatives. If we spend time with them and help them, give them gifts, invite them to our homes, some of their youger relatives may also be attracted to you. This way your circle of influence will increase and it will become easier to spread the message of Islam.

Huzoor(aba) stated that it has been the practice that Jama’ats spend a day or a week as ‘Tabligh Day’ and distribute pamphelets. This practice, is O.K. to a certain extent, but cannot be relied upon to do justice to the task of preaching. Huzoor(aba) stated that unless we establish and maintain contacts with those who were given the pamphelets, this practice is tantamount to waste of money. Those who are interested should be given information on a continuous basis. Also, in order to rectify the negative impression created by the mullahs, it is important to convey the true message of Islam in the Promised Messiah’s words. Huzoor(aba) stated that it is important to maintain a continuous flow of information in order to nurture the seeds of truth.

Huzoor(aba) quoted some passages from the writings of the Promised Messiah(as) on the subject of Da’awat I’lallah where he has advised the Jama’at to preach with wisdom, with softness but without compromising the integrity of the message. Also, we should not show any sign of impatience or anger for this can drive others away instead of drawing them close to you.

Huzoor(aba) stated that MTA should be used as a tools for the purpose of preaching. Various programs can be of interest to various people. Huzoor(aba) stated that we should be succinct while conveying the message. We should say a few words according to the circumstances that should have the maximum effect on the addressee.

Huzoor(aba) stated that the sign of success of your preaching will be that you will face greater opposition. Huzoor(aba) advised that we should make greater effort in smaller towns and villages for the inhabitants of these places are more likely to listen to and accept the message of Islam.

Huzoor(aba) stated that we should also pay attention to setting a good example otherwise our message will be ineffective. If we do not practice what we preach then others will not accept our call. Our bad examples can affect the good work of others. Therefore all of us must pay special attention to doing good deeds at all times.

In the end Huzoor(aba) prayed that we should be among those who are active in calling others to Allah, those who set good examples for others, those who are grateful to Allah for having enabled us to accept the Imam of the time. Huzoor(aba) also stated the key to our success in the words of the Promised Messiah(as) that is Istighfaar (repentance), attention to religious learning, being mindful of Allah’s Greatness, and paying special attention to the offering of 5 daily prayers. Salaat is the key to acceptance of supplications. Supplication during the Salaat should be our habit and we should avoid all kinds of sins with respect to our obligations to Allah and our obligations to our fellow beings. May Allah enable us to do so. Aameen.

Printed from www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/2004-10-08/
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