Home / Friday Sermons / February 8th, 2013

Companions of The Promised Messiah(as), Jalsa Salana Bangladesh and Sierra Leone

Summary of Friday Sermon Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba)

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih continued with the theme of relating incidents of companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) who were guided by true dreams and visions. He said these incidents illustrate their connection with God and God’s connection with them as well as His dealing with them. We can find lessons in some of these episides even today.

Hadhrat Muhammad Zuhur ud Din sahib (may Allah be pleased with him): He took Bai’at in 1905. He relates:

One day I was laying in bed in a state of starvation. It was midday and my wife was massaging me. I fell asleep and saw a dream that a woman in blue clothes comes to our house holding a bowl of milk. She gives the milk to me to drink and tells me there is some sugar in the milk and that I should mix it. Just as I started mixing the sugar, I awoke. I narrated the dream to my wife and then forgot about it. A short while later a woman wearing blue clothes came to our house holding a bowl. She was the mother of one of my students. She gave me the bowl which had milk in it and asked me to mix in the sugar. My wife watched all this and remarked that this was fulfilment of my dream to the letter.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih said that sometimes God makes dream fulfil with literal interpretation as here a pious person’s starvation was alleviated. Those who do not believe in God may say this was coincidental but the prior notice was from God. That is how His Power manifests and He put it in the heart of a pious woman to alleviate someone’s hunger

Hadhrat Maulwi Abdul Raheem Nayyer sahib (may Allah be pleased with him): He took Bai’at in 1901 and relates:

When I was a teacher in high school, I had some disagreement about sports with Maulwi Sher Ali sahib who was the head teacher and I was in-charge of sports. I prayed during Tahajjud and was shown the words: ‘No tournament, no games.’ I fell ill and could not participate in the events, in addition due to heavy rainfall the tournament had to be cancelled. The students were happy that the Divine revelation was fulfilled. When the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was told the details he said that my revelation was fulfilled and it indicated purity of my heart.

Hadhrat Sheikh Atta Muhammad sahib (may Allah be pleased with him): He relates:

At the time of the court case regarding the wall the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) had gone to Batala. He said that anyone who sees any dream should relate it to him because God had told him that he was Yusuf the second. [Hadhrat Yusuf on whom be peace was also given grief by his brothers as the Promised Messiah was by his cousins]. I related my dream to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in which I am eating a sweet melon but when I give a slice of the melon to my son it turns dry. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) interpreted this dream to signify that I would have another son who would pass away. This came to pass; I had another son who passed away at the age of eleven months.

Hadhrat Ameer Khan sahib (may Allah be pleased with him): He took Bai’at in 1903 and has related many dreams. He says:

In 1917 I saw a dream in which a man is galloping on horseback. He tells me that he is a king and his name is Ahmad Ali and asks me to pray for him. We both raise our hands to pray and then he mounts his horse and gallops away. He has only gone a short distance that he meets his troops which are coming towards him in a haze of dust. There is also an opposing army present with liveried troops and an impressive array. Someone in the dream says a peacock is also quite decorative but runs away at the sound of gun. This army will also retreat.

Relating another dream he says:

My older brother Chaudhry Atta Muhammad sahib was involved in a court case regarding land. He saw a dream that his wife is going through Nikah with someone else. In fulfilment of this dream, he lost the court case and the property.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih explained that dreams have different interpretations. Sometimes people indulge in accusations as a result of dreams and also become anxious. Here, a dream in which his wife is going through a Nikah with someone else signified him losing the court case. Relating a few other dreams of his, Hadhrat Ameer Khan sahib says:

I saw a dream in 1912 that a baby boy is born to my family. I am embracing him and reciting Durud but the baby is weak. In 1913 a baby boy was born to my family who was named Abdullah Khan by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) and his weakness remains to this day at the age of 24 years.

I saw a dream in 1913 in which a Hindu sadhu though suffering from leprosy is physically strong. He shows off his strong body to young men to induce them to monasticism. He also colours copper and presents it as gold. When I ask him to ‘make gold’ in front of me and his secret is out, I tell him that I will let others know of the reality. The sadhu is embarrassed and pleads with me not to do so. I then start doing Tabligh to his followers which has a good impact on them and they ask for Mirza sahib’s book to be read to them. I then say to the sadhu that God has given man capacities and if he uses them in a proper way he benefits from them and not using these capacities harms him. Like God has given man the capacity of compassion. Now, if a victim files a law suit and wishes to bring the perpetrator to justice but no one gives testimony at the case because bringing someone to justice is against compassion, would it be fair? Most certainly it will not be fair. I then gave the example that God has given eyes to use them for sight. If a farmer does not use them in his work he would be at a loss. Upon this the farming people among the sadhu’s followers of their own accord said that God has given man the capacity to procreate and if man does not use this capacity where would beautiful babies come from? I then said to them that if the sadhu’s mother and father did not have a union he would not have been born. The sadhu was quite impressed and said earlier people had approved of monasticism but Mirza sahib had demolished every falsehood. I then explained that if the same principle was employed to cattle, how would we have animals who provided milk and who helped with farming? When I finished saying this Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) appeared in the dream giving a Dars of Qur’an and said that the spiritual knowledge that people were gaining from him could not have been sought had monasticism been practised. After waking it was explained to me that sadhu’s leprosy was also due to avoiding laws of nature.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih remarked: ‘Similarly, any unnatural acts which are against Divine laws or certain such organisations [that are] are formed and parliaments and legislative bodies have started passing laws in this regard. In such instances God’s law also comes into action and once it comes into action it is a source of destruction of nations. Thus, these days Ahmadis who are spread in many countries of the world – the worldly people wish to make every unnatural act part of their law – therefore, in order not to be part of this a lot of Istaghfar is required these days.’

He also relates:

I had a dream in June 1905 that I am catching fish in clear water that there is a storm. No sooner has the storm subsided that an earthquake takes place. I fall in prostration and start praying when another earthquake comes to pass. People say this was just an ordinary earthquake and it is put in my heart to remain in the prostration posture because a stronger earthquake was to take place. Then a mighty earthquake came causing a lot of destruction.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih said this was in 1905 when there was a massive earthquake in Kangra and many other earthquakes took place. It could also be an indication towards world war. The moral of this episode is that one should not be blasé about earthquakes and other natural disasters. Rather one should always turn to God and be drawn to Him then alone can one be saved. There are many prophecies of earthquakes and natural disasters pertaining to this age, which is the age of the Promised Messiah. So this also indicates that one should turn to God and be drawn to Him.

Another 1905 dream of Ameer Khan sahib is:

There is heavy rainfall and stormy wind and people are running to a field away from under a tree lest it crashes on them. However, poor people gather under the tree to shelter from the storm. Just then those in the field are perished in the storm.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih said the moral here is that usually it is the poor who accept Prophets of God and try and come under their shelter.

In June 1905 he had another dream:

I saw that the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) is worshiping God in my house. After completing his worship he mounts a horse and after travelling a short distance says that Hadhrat Nur ud Din should be told to quickly get ready. He then writes a note telling Hadhrat Nur ud Din to bring along cash and jewels etc. I offer to take the note to Hadhrat Nur ud Din and deliver it. When we reach Makkah we see small hillocks with pebbles and lime and amidst them are streams of clear water. I realise that it is merely God grace that clear water is flowing in this manner and if an earthquake knocks down the hillocks the clear water would be polluted.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih said that God knows what is the real interpretation of this dream but it could indicate that the followers of the true and ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) will once again try and cleanse the world with the cleansing and purifying teaching of real Islam and this beneficence will continue under the auspices of Khilafat and different nations will benefit from it.

Ameer Khan sahib also saw the following dreams:

I saw solar eclipse in a dream a few days before the passing away of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) from which I understood his demise.

I saw the blessed person of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleased with him) praying in the company of some friends. A few days later he prayed for the son of Mirza Aziz Ahmad in the company of some friends.

In 1912 I saw Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) and some friends in a dream where he is saying that he could not abide that the disbelievers exceeded limits in demeaning the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and we remained in peace. We wish them to be destroyed before they can hurl abuse at him.

In 1913 I saw in a dream that Hadhrat Khalid bin Waleed and Zarar bin Azwer are holding swords and are attaining triumph after triumph. In fact people are voluntarily laying down their arms in front of them, so much so that even Yazid lays his arms before them and joins them.

In 1913 I saw Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) in a dream, he is holding a big stick. A brown buffalo charges towards him but seeing the stick turns away in fear. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) reaches a place where there is a shop that makes seals and a man wants to have false seals of Khilafat made at the shop. He is at the shop when Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) arrives. The shop keeper asks if he is around and I tell him yes. The shopkeeper grabs the man. Just then Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) is invited to someone’s house where he is feted and honoured. When he comes out a crowd has gathered but the man who wanted to make false seals is gone and cannot be found in spite of searching. This dream was fulfilled by the long illness of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) and his stay at Nawab sahib’s villa for change of climate, Maulwi Muhammad Ali publishing tracts/leaflets against Khilafat, huge crowds at the funeral of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) and Maulwi Muhammad Ali eventually leaving Qadian.

On the might of 13 March 1914 I saw a dream in which a stream of honey is flowing down from a beehive and we are all gathering it in utensils. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) says in the dream, Maulwi Sher Ali should bathe my body before funeral. He is my brother and very pious. I relayed this dream to Sahibzada Mirza Bashir ud Din Mahmood Ahmad in time. It was Maulwi Sher Ali sahib who gave Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) the bath before funeral. I do not know if this was due to a direct result of my dream or not but my dream was fulfilled.

Hadhrat Mian Imam Din Saikhwani sahib (may Allah be pleased with him): He took Bai’at in 1899. He relates:

Once the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was strolling that I gave him some money which was perhaps a few Rupee short of 20. He smiled and asked me how I was. I said, ‘Hudhur I had seen a dream in which I gave you this amount.’ The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) accepted the money.

Hadhrat Abdul Sattar sahib (may Allah be pleased with him) son of Abdullah sahib whose Bai’at is dated 1892 relates:

My wife told me that she had a dream in which the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) gave her Rupee 2. When the court case was won, the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) gave me Rupee 2, I gave the money to my wife and thus the dream was fulfilled.

Hadhrat Mirza Afzal sahib (may Allah be pleased with him), son of Mirza Muhammad Jalal ud Din sahib: He took Bai’at in 1895. He relates:

When the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) came to Jhelum in 1903 I also went along. A huge crowd had gathered to see him. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said at the time that the Ahmadiyya community was God’s light and it will not extinguish by people trying to turn it out. Hadhrat Sahibzada Lateef shaheed said at this occasion that God had asked him to sacrifice/give his head three times and he will do it.

Hadhrat Khair Din sahib (may Allah be pleased with him), son of Mustaqeem sahib. He took his Bai’at in 1906. He relates beneficence of first Khilafat e Ahmadiyya:

I saw a dream with a wonderful royal horse near which a bed is laid out. Just then a dust storm starts blowing and it appears to be like the dust storms of summer nights. The bed is covered with dust and pebbles etc. I start cleaning the bed and it appears to be the bed of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him). When I wrote to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) about this dream he replied, ‘Whatever I have received, you have received a portion of it.’

Hadhrat Allah Ditta sahib (may Allah be pleased with him), son of Mian Abdul Sattar sahib: He took his Bai’at in 1898. He relates:

I saw magnificent visions during the blessed time of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him). At time of Tahajjud on the day of Hajj I saw two men talking. One says I have heard that the faces of the Companions of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) can be seen from here. The other says, yes it is said they can be seen from Jhelum. He said, ‘look’. I looked and saw a beautiful place with mirrored ceiling and walls (Sheesh Mahal) and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and his four Khulafa seated on chairs. It was a most magnificent sight. Then the sight moved to just Hadhrat Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) and then only Hadhrat Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) whom I saw in exactly the appearance of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) and in my heart I think this. Just then I received a revelation that Abu Bakr was in the form of Nur ud Din. I wrote to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) about this and he said this was a righteous dream.

I also saw Hadhrat Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) feeding me pilao and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) giving me halwa to distribute. I offer Salat with and behind the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and I served him some drinking water. I saw him standing on a mound and myself in a pit. He holds my hands and lifts me and stands me next to him. I saw the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) picking flowers and I also pick some flowers and present them to him. I saw Makkah, I performed Hajj and after circuiting the Ka’ba I saw it filled with laden fruit trees.

Holy people also received glad-tiding about me. At the time of Tahajjud Maulana Ghulam Rasool Rajiki saw that the Viceroy has come to Qadian and from among the people who are meeting him, I am presenting Ahmadis to him. Maulana Rajiki and I are together and the Viceroy feels threatened by Maulana. I have a friendly connection with the Viceroy, so I assure him that there is no danger and that I take responsibility for him.

Hadhrat Sheikh Muhammad Ismael sahib (may Allah be pleased with him) son of Sheikh Maseeta sahib, who took Bai’at in 1894, relates a dream:

I saw that the entire Jama’at is gathered in a garden. The rich are gathered on one side and the poor on the other. The rich have appointed Maulana Abdul Kareem Sialkoti as their leader and the poor have appointed me. It is decided that Maulana will make the first speech and I will respond. Maulana presented arguments in favour of his Khilafat and I presented arguments in favour of Hadhrat Nur ud Din’s Khilafat and refuted Maulana’s stance. Just then Maulana Sialkoti leapt three times and presented himself before Hadhrat Maulwi Nur ud Din and asked him to take his Bai’at which he did.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih said this dream was seen in the lifetime of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). It is about Khilafat and God has always shown people such dreams regarding Khilafat.

Next Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih said that today the Jalsa Salana in Bangladesh and Sierra Leone will commence. This year marks 100 years of Ahmadiyyat in Bangladesh just as it is also a hundred years since Ahmadiyyat was established in Britain. The British Jama’at is making programmes of thanksgiving in this regard as has Bangladesh Jama’at. The Jalsa in Bangladesh is a large part of that. This year the Bangladesh Jama’at had hired a stadium to hold the Jalsa so that all the arrangements could be made at one location. Jalsa preparations were complete. Day before yesterday so-called religious leaders gathered their henchmen including elements of Jamaat e Islami. Some 2000 to 3000 people attacked the Jalsa venue while the police stood by watching. The extremists destroyed everything and then get fire to it. All the hired equipment was ruined causing loss of tens of millions. This is the stance of the so-called followers of Islam. The Jalsa has not been cancelled; it is going ahead at Jama’at’s own site, though space will be restricted. May God keep all the attendees, including many representatives and guests who have travelled from abroad, safe and may the Jalsa conclude safely. May He make the evil of the Mullahs rebound on them. The financial loss is huge, may God compensate. Profuse prayers should be made for this.

The difference in the religious leaders of Sierra Leone is that they have sent messages of goodwill or have attended the Jalsa. At least they have humanity that they attend our programmes in spite of disagreements. May God reward them for this and may He further open their hearts. Prayers should be made for a blessed and successful Sierra Leone Jalsa. May the attendees seek its beneficence! With the grace of God Sierra Leone Jama’at is one of the extremely sincere Jama’ats. May God enhance their sincerity and may this country and rest of Africa soon come in the fold of Ahmadiyyat true Islam.

Next Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih announced three funeral Prayers in absentia.

Karifa Konday sahib was studying at Jamia Sierra Leone. He passed away on 31 January. He was preparing for Jalsa Salana and during Waqar e Aml he fell off a ladder and sustained critical head injuries. He was rushed to hospital and was under treatment. Surgery was being organised but he passed away. He hailed from neighbouring Guinea and was a very pious and hard-working student. He was the only Ahmadi in the family. Last year when he went home during holidays his parents were so impressed by the distinct change in him that they also accepted Ahmadiyyat. Karifa Konday had asked his friend to pray that whenever death over takes him it should be while he is an Ahmadi.

Chaudhry Bashir Ahmad sahib. He passed away on 24 November 2012 at the age of 82. Son of a companion of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), he was enabled to serve the Jama’at for 61 years and had the privilege to serve under three Khulafa. He had also endured imprisonment three times for his beliefs.

Abdul Ghaffar Dar sahib. He passed away on 5 February in Rawalpindi at the age of 97. He was in good health till the end. His father and grandfather both had the honour of being companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). He had obtained Maulwi Fazil degree from Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian. His services to the Jama’at were long. He had the privilege to serve under Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleased with him) who appointed him a life-member of Majlis e Shura.

May God elevate the status of the deceased!

Printed from www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/2013-02-08/
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