Home / Friday Sermons / December 23rd, 2016

Persecution of Ahmadi Muslims: Steadfastness and Prayers

Summary of Friday Sermon Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba)

Today's Friday sermon was delivered by Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah be his Helper) from Baitul Futuh mosque, London. After Tashahhud and Surah Fātiḥah Huzur proceeded.

Huzur (a.b.a.) reminded that opposition and persecution of the Ahmadiyya Community is not a new thing. Troublemakers gather and attribute diverse unsubstantiated accusations to the Ahmadiyya Community to incite opposition and to ignite fires for hatred.

Huzur (a.b.a.) said that we find from the Holy Quran that all messengers have been opposed, ridiculed, interfered with and resisted in their heavenly undertakings. He referred to the verse,

"And in like manner have We made for every Prophet an enemy, evil ones from among men and Jinn. They suggest one to another gilded speech in order to deceive — and if thy Lord had enforced His will, they would not have done it; so leave them alone with that which they fabricate —" (6:113)

Troublemaking clergy are deceiving in the name of faith. Some leaders have also joined them. They spread non-existing rumors that have nothing to do with reality. Their lies, ridicule and mockery strengthen the faith a true Ahmadi Muslim.

Huzur (a.b.a.) pointed that while most Ahmadis are bearing atrocities with courage, some naively propose that as tyranny and injustice have reached their pinnacle, aggression should be responded with aggression. This idea may be infusing internally or externally to mislead Ahmadis. Huzur (a.b.a.) said that this is a view of ignorance. Such members have forgotten our fundamental teachings and principles. The Promised Messiah (a.s.) taught us to bear tyranny and persecution with patience. The progress and victory destined for the Promised Messiah (a.s.) is to be attained by turning to righteousness, love, affection, and prayers.

The Promised Messiah (a.s.) warned his followers that his way was not easy and trouble free. Members will face the loss of emotions, wealth, and life. They will have to persevere and be patient and respond in kind.

Huzur (a.b.a.) said that to act against these teachings is to create disorder and to provide an excuse for mischief to opponents. The Promised Messiah (a.s.) taught us to counter violence, tyranny and aggression with patience and prayers. By acting otherwise, we call two curses upon us, one of the Almighty and the other of the people. Therefore, we are not to respond abuse and disorder with abuse and disorder.

Huzur (a.b.a.) pointed out that with respect to the Ahmadi Muslims, the Pakistani law sides with the aggressor. Courts are helpless before the clergy. Clergy threatens the judges and the judges continue to postpone hearings in fear of the clergy. Law is not prepared to dispense justice. Therefore, hold strong the threshold of the Almighty and continue to make a concerted effort to reach the pinnacle of your prayers.

Trials are destined for the intermediate period before the final success. Trials well up feelings for fervent and sincere prayers. We should not become impatient and doubtful. Our job is to hold fast to the rope of Allah with patience.

Majority of Ahmadis in Pakistan are patient and carry a strong faith. It is the ones outside who are more perturbed. If you love your brothers than hold fast the rope of Allah.

The directive of the Promised Messiah (a.s.) to us is to be have compassion for the enemy while bearing his abuse. To hold fast to patience and prayer is a sign of faith.

The Promised Messiah (a.s.) advised the light-hearted and delicate to sever with him and leave rather than bear hardship. Though when such people return, they will not gain the same respected as those who stayed.

Righteous does not carry mischief in his heart. Compassion increases with righteousness. A Muslim cannot harbor rancor in his heart. The Promised Messiah (a.s.) advised compassion and goodwill for all. We should firmly establish ourselves on Islamic teachings and righteousness.

Huzur (a.b.a.) further pointed out that ignorance cannot be part of real righteousness. He referred to the verses,

O ye who believe! if you fear Allah, He will grant you a distinction and will remove your evils from you and will forgive you; and Allah is Lord of great bounty. (8:30)

O ye who believe! fear Allah and believe in His Messenger; He will give you a double share of His mercy, and will provide for you a light wherein you will walk, and will grant you forgiveness — and verily Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful —(57:29)

To point out that the difference is the light that guides the believer in all his actions, utterings, abilities, feelings, comprehension, guess, eyes, ears, tongue, oration, activity, and rest and enlighten his path.

Huzur (a.b.a.) pointed out that Muslim leaders have tried to establish Islamic state by spending large amounts but have failed because the service and spread of Islam is destined to be accomplished by the Promised Messiah (a.s.) and his followers. We can succeed only by following the footsteps of the Promised Messiah (a.s.). No one can equal righteousness and light.

Huzur (a.b.a.) said that every opposition of the cause of the Promised Messiah (a.s.) has failed in the past. Despite internal and external opposition and attacks, the Ahmadiyya Community is now established in 209 countries of the world.

Huzur (a.b.a.) pointed out that Allah does not deprive an ordinary righteous person his reward then how can we imagine that he will deprive the whole Community of the reward of its righteousness.

Huzur (a.b.a.) reminded of the teachings of the Promised Messiah (a.s.) that to become a special nation, our life, death, activity, rest, excitement, should all be for God and we should continue to step forward in difficulty and adversity. We will have to show active example so that Almighty shows active example. We should not rest at one level, we have to raise our standards. This Community is destined to progress. This seed is destined to grow and become a great tree. May we be able to meet the expectations hoped from us.

At the end, Huzur (a.b.a.) gave the details about Malik Khalid Javaid who had heart attack during the attack on the Ahmadiyya Mosque in Dulmial and passed away as medical help could not be made available in time due to the siege of the mosque by an unruly mob.

Printed from www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/2016-12-23/
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