Home / Friday Sermons / July 5th, 2019

Jalsa Salana Germany 2019

Summary of Friday Sermon Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba)

After reciting the Tashahhud, Ta’awwuz and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) said:

Jalsa is one of the greatest blessing for those who have taken the Bai’at with the Promised Messiah (as). The objective of the Jalsa Salana [or Annual Convention] is to strive to enhance our spirituality, morality and knowledge. This will help us to attain the nearness of Allah the Exalted, excel in Taqwa (God-fearing righteousness) and purify our hearts. A further objective of the Jalsa Salana is to reiterate the importance of fulfilling each other’s rights, consolidate mutual relationship and reconcile any differences and conflicts.

Ahmadis eagerly wait for the Jalsa Salana and especially those from Pakistan, who are deprived of their rights of holding Jalsas for many decades now. Jalsa Salana Germany is attended by asylum seekers, and people from neighbouring countries and now, even Ahmadis from Africa also attend Jalsa Salana in Germany.

Our intention to attend Jalsa Salana should be to attain the pleasure of God Almighty, increase in righteousness, fulfil the rights of others while showing excellence. Otherwise, coming to the Jalsa is in vain and attendance at Jalsa would be of no benefit. Indeed, the atmosphere and environment has its effect on an individual. However, one’s individual effort is also necessary in order to absorb the pious effect of the atmosphere. Thus, we will have to make efforts in this regard so that we may be able to achieve all these objectives, become the recipients of the blessings of Allah the Exalted and thereby become deserving of the prayers of the Promised Messiah (as) which he offered for the attendees of the Jalsa. The Promised Messiah (as) has expressed his displeasure towards those people who do not attend the Jalsa with this mind-set and do not aspire to attain these objectives.

The Promised Messiah (as) states that I do not at all desire to gather those who pledge initiation to me merely in order to display our physical glory in the same manner as the saints of this day and age. Rather, the primary objective for which I seek opportunities is to reform the creation of Allah. Attending Jalsa Salana is pointless, if, even after taking the Bai’at [oath of allegiance] of the Promised Messiah (as), our hearts are filled with the love of the world, whereby we do not give Allah the Exalted and the Holy Prophet (sa) precedence over the love of the world and if we do not conduct our lives in accordance with the commandments of Allah the Exalted and His Messenger (sa).

Hence, we must reflect over these matters. A few days ago, Ramadan came to an end, which was a month of spiritual reformation and progress during which believers were granted the opportunity to engage in individual worship, observe fasts and remember God. Now, another camp is being held for three days which, along with religious and educational progress, provides an atmosphere for worship and remembering God and it is an ideal opportunity to engage in all of these matters collectively, we must make most of this blessed opportunity.

Thus, the Promised Messiah (as) has placed a huge responsibility upon our shoulders and has great expectations from his followers. This is not an ordinary matter. We will truly benefit from this Jalsa, if this will help us to decrease the love of the world in comparison to the love of Allah the Exalted and His Messenger (sa). To live in the world and to give secondary importance to the love of the world is the high objective of a true believer. Even after Jalsa, our approach to give precedence to our faith over this world ought to continue; this training during Jalsa should empower us to give precedence to religion over the world, despite being engaged in worldly affairs. During these three days in particular, we must completely constrain the love of the world. For example, when shopping in the bazaar [market], ensure to fulfil the rights of the bazaar and these are to say Salam [Islamic greeting of peace] to one another and remain engaged in the remembrance of God, do not overcrowd the shops and push one another. Shopkeepers should sell their goods with a reasonable profit. You should continuously remember God in the bazaar. The shopkeepers should also remain engaged in this. If we adopt this in a physical sense, the state of our hearts will also change and righteousness and the love of Allah the Exalted will develop within us. Remember, the true objective of an Ahmadi is to become part of the community, who is connected to God and is true in righteousness and pure.

Some people are good at performing their Jama'at duties, but their families are fed up with them. Some of them who fulfil the due rights of their families are not paying attention to the due rights of Allah Almighty and performing His worship. Some of them who are inclined towards religion apparently are involved in usurping the rights of others in societal matters amongst each other. Certain individuals perform righteous deeds merely as a show for the world, and they forget Allah Almighty is aware of their intentions and He is the One who witnesses everything. Therefore, the Promised Messiah (as) stated: "In order to become a part of my Community, to attain the love of Allah Almighty and to become heir to His favours and to become recipients of His favours and blessings, one has to strive in every way possible to reform oneself." These Jalsas are arranged to help with self-reformation.

When the heart establishes a real bond and a loving relation with God then it does not separate from him. Its condition can be understood when compared with someone whose child is sick. Regardless of where this person goes or engages in any work, their heart and attention will be focused on their child. Similarly, those who establish a real bond and loving relation with God Almighty never forget Him in any condition. Hence, this is the condition that the Promised Messiah (as) desires to see in us, and we are gathered here to strive in this regard.

Therefore, the participants of Jalsa and those who are on duty should endeavour to engage in remembrance of God consistently during these days and should strive to get close to God Almighty. If Allah Almighty remembers us, what could be better than that? The following words of the Promised Messiah (as) should make us anxious: "You shall be considered amongst the members of my Community in the heavens when you tread the path of righteousness." May we be able to establish a firm bond with God Almighty and we are able to remove the darkness in our hearts. Remember Allah much and offer prayers during the proceedings of the Jalsa, in the breaks, and at night time as well. Take an oath that 'O Allah! We are participating in this Jalsa with pious intentions, which was established with Your special help and knowledge. We are attending this Jalsa for the sake of attaining Your pleasure and to increase Your remembrance and to attain Your love. Grant us all the blessings which you have established with this Jalsa and inculcate the pious transformation within us that You desire, for which you sent the true servant of the Holy Prophet (sa) in this world so that we can sincerely take part in pledging allegiance to him.’

The Promised Messiah (as) had mentioned one objective of Jalsas is that the members of the Jama'at may become acquainted with one another. It is integral that, on one side the new converts are able to establish a relation of love due to the bond of Ahmadiyyat, on the other hand the old relationships should be strengthened further in love. Allah Almighty blesses a person tremendously who loves his brother for the sake of God Almighty. Hence, establish these days as a means to remove [past] grievances, resentment, hatred and grudge towards each other and do not rekindle previous animosities. The Promised Messiah (as) has established Jalsa Salana as a sign of Allah. Hence, those who damage the sanctity of the signs of Allah become recipients of His wrath. Therefore, this point is of great fear. One should always remain considerate of the saying of the Holy Prophet (sa) that a Muslim is one from whose hand and tongue no one is harmed. We should reflect upon this saying and see if these instructions portray our condition and whether our actions are in accordance with it. I say this with immense regret that some people who attend Jalsas get involved in physical altercations due to petty matters and past grievances. Sometimes the police have to be called. Is this the dignity of a believer? Are these the actions of those who are members of the Promised Messiah's (as) Jama'at? Absolutely not. Whether the Jama'at expels such persons from the Community or it does not take that action against them, they are no longer part of the Jama'at in the sight of Allah Almighty and according to the saying of the Promised Messiah (as), such people are not a part of his Community in the heavens as a part of his Jama'at. Therefore, evaluate yourselves and do not have double standards.

Similarly, there are also the office bearers and those who have various duties for Jalsa. They should also take special care to ensure that their character and morals are of a very high caliber in these days. I must also say with a heavy heart, that the office bearers of certain Jama’ats here have not taken care of the sanctity of their responsibility. I am not saying this concerning the environment of the Jalsa. Even in normal circumstances, these people have, instead of treating their Jama’at related responsibility (which is serving the faith) as a grace of God, they treated it as any other worldly seat, as a result of which they have had to be replaced. Hence, if such people have come to this Jalsa, then they should strive to remain immersed in worship, the remembrance of Allah and in humility. If, in their opinion, the decisions that was made concerning them were wrong, even then they should adopt the ways of meekness, and, having done this, they should bow themselves before Allah the Almighty, and ensure that they don’t allow any negativity to enter their hearts about the system of the Jama’at. If the decisions which have been made are wrong, then Allah Almighty possesses knowledge of all things. He possesses knowledge of the unseen and of the present. If one adopts humility and bows before him, He accepts prayers and removes the supplicant from difficulties. It should always be remembered that the end-all of things is not to hold an office, but to fulfil the demands of one’s Bai’at. Whether one is an office bearer or a member of the Jama’at, he should strive to fulfill the dictates of his Bai’at.

I will present at this time a prayer of the Promised Messiah (as) which expresses the agony in his heart for his followers. He states,

“I pray - and until my last breath shall go on praying - May God Almighty purify the hearts of my Jama’at, and, extending the hand of His mercy toward them, turn their hearts toward Himself; may He remove all forms of mischief and malice from their hearts and grant them true and mutual love. I am convinced that this prayer shall one day be heard and accepted, and that He shall never waste my prayers.”

We should supplicate to God Almighty that this prayer be accepted in our favour, in the favour of our progeny, and that until the day of Judgement, our progenies continue to bask in the grace of this prayer. For the acceptance of this prayer of the Promised Messiah (as), we should also make efforts through our actions. We will have to change our own conditions, and will also need to offer heartfelt supplications to this effect. May Allah the Almighty enable us to do so. In the next part of this prayer, regarding which we should supplicate that it not be accepted in our favour, the Promised Messiah (as) has prayed,

“Yes, I do also pray this, that if there be any person in my Jama’at who, in the perfect estimation and knowledge of God, was always bound for ill-fortune, and whose very destiny it is that he shall not achieve true purity and Godliness, then do Thou, O Powerful God, cause him to turn away from me, just as He is turned away from Thee, and bring Thou in his stead another whose heart is meek, and in whose being there is a thirst for Thee.”

May Allah Almighty save us from such a state in which we end up turning away from God Almighty and His appointee. May He keep our faith firm, and in fact go on increasing it, and may we become recipients of all these prayers which the Promised Messiah (as) has offered in favour of his followers.

Do also continue to pray for the Jalsa to be blessed and safe from all sorts of evil, and also remain vigilant and conscientious – keep a close eye of your surroundings. May Allah Almighty continue to safeguard us against the mischief of every evil one, and the jealousy of every jealous one.

Printed from www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/2019-07-05/
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