Is it a good deed to face East or West as mentioned in the Quranic verse, "It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the East or the West..." (2:178)?
Why do Muslims use black flags if the color black is associated with death and mourning?
Should not more spiritual reminders, like the Friday sermon, be given to Muslims more frequently than once a week?
Why does the Quran instruct Muslims to "disperse in the land and seek of Allah's grace" (62:11) when Muhammad has said that travelling is difficult?
Why is it prohibited to make announcements about lost property in mosques?
What is the significance of the prayers said after sneezing?
Is it possible that some dreams can be the product of what a person experiences during the day?
Is it permissible to adopt a way of life that may interfere with our Islamic obligations?
Why are Muslim men prohibited from wearing gold and silk?
Are Ahmadis permitted to change their names?
What is the philosophy behind the practice of dam (breathing upon something after praying in order to bless it)?
Is it permitted to engage in the sale or distribution of literature in the mosque?
Is the sale or distribution of religious literature allowed in an area that is occasionally used as a place of worship?
Why do Ahmadi Muslims not use Tasbeeh (prayer beads)?
Is it better to give sadqa (charity) or sacrifice a goat?
What is the derivation of the Arabic word sadqa?
Why are Ahmadi muslims advised not to celebrate birthdays?
Why do Muslims sometimes substitute "786" in place of "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful)?
What is the difference between taweez (charms) and the ring that Ahmadi Muslims sometimes wear that is inscribed with Alaisallaho bekaafin abdohu?
If a child has a bad dream and wants to relate it, then is it permissible to listen to it?
Are we permitted make lost and found announcements in the mosque for items that were not lost in the mosque?
Can Ahmadi Muslims celebrate their birthdays?
Why don't Ahmadi Muslims celebrate Christmas?
Why does Jummah occur every Friday?
Does Islam permit smoking?
Are Muslims permitted to fight in the dark even though the Quran refers to Muslim warriors "making raids at dawn" (100:4)?
Why are men and women not permitted to pray together in a mosque?
Are Muslims permitted to be friends with non-Muslims since the Quran says, "O ye who believe! take not for friends a people with whom Allah is wroth" (60:14)?
How does one define the local region that the sighting of a new moon applies to?
Why are the local official meetings of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community conducted in English and not Urdu, since conducting them in Urdu would allow the young children to learn the language?
Should taqwa be practiced for the sake of display?
How can one prevent oneself from becoming arrogant?
Can Ahmadi Muslims attend other people's birthday parties?
Is it permissible to organize birthday parties if only family members are invited?
Is it permissible to pray Tahajjud to commemorate one's birthday?
Why is the Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) only held for three days and not more?
Does the saying of Muhammad that states that the gates of Heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed during the month of Ramadan apply only to Muslims?