In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.

Love for All, Hatred for None.

Browse Al Islam

Excellence of Reciting The Holy Qur'an

Summary of Friday Sermon

delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

October 21st, 2005

NOTE: Alislam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon

In this Friday Sermon Huzuraba gave a discourse on the excellence of reciting the Holy Qur’an while reflecting on its meanings and making its teachings part of one’s daily life.

Citing verse 122 of Surah Al Baqarah (2:122) Huzuraba began by explaining the prominence Quranic reading and understanding takes during Ramadan and explained that its revelation started in this blessed month and that at the time of the Holy Prophetsaw each Ramadan Hadhrat Gabrielas used to repeat hitherto revealed sections of the Holy Qur’an with him. It is in accordance with this Sunnah that Muslims try and finish one or two complete readings of the Holy Qur’an during Ramadan. However, Huzuraba said Quranic reading should not be hasty; traditions relate that the Holy Prophetsaw enjoined even those whose mother-tongue was Arabic not to finish a reading of the Qur’an in less than three days, while some traditions mention not less than seven days. Huzuraba said the main objective of reading the Qur’an is to reflect on it and make it a part of one’s life. That is what the Companions of the Holy Prophetsaw did and the verse above (2:122) bears witness to that.

Huzuraba said during Ramadan everyone wakes early to observe nafl Salat and tries to recite as much Quranic verses as one remembers during this, later, one reads the Qur’an at Fajr time. Expounding the preference of reading the Qur’an at this time Huzuraba cited verse 79 of Surah Bani Israel (17:79) and said that we must endeavour and continue with these practices after Ramadan is over.

Huzuraba said each person have their individual style and capacity to read the Qur’an, some read it quickly while others unhurriedly, what we are enjoined is to read it with understanding, as the Qur’an itself mentions in verse 5 of Surah Muzzammil (73:5). Huzuraba related a personal experience when once someone checked him for what they thought was hesitant reading while Huzuraba assured them that it was his style of reading the Qur’an and that was the way he enjoyed it; to read it thoughtfully and with pauses.

Huzuraba said it is in deference to the Qur’an that it is read with consideration, even if one knows the meanings well; it is a believer’s task to read the Qur’an with full comprehension. Huzuraba said it carried guidance for people of all capacities and background and it was up to us how much of its teachings we adopted.

Today it is each Ahmadi’s duty to adopt this book that carries guidance with profusion in our daily lives; to act upon its commandments and to avoid what it forbids and never to be among those about whom the Qur’an states in verse 31 of Surah Al Furqan (25:31) that they discarded it. Referring to this verse Huzuraba said the current age is the one that is mentioned therein when people have developed countless other interests to occupy their time, to name one, the internet. The Promised Messiahas revived the teaching of the Qur’an in the present age, therefore it is the obligation of each Ahmadi to not only adopt its teachings but to propagate it further. Huzuraba said the Promised Messiahas said “Those who shall honour the Qur’an, shall be honoured in the hereafter”.

Citing verse 83 of Surah Bani Israel (17:83) Huzuraba said the ‘healing’ factor mentioned in the verse can only be truly derived in physical as well as spiritual terms if we truly reflect of what we read and adopt it sincerely.

Huzuraba remarked that while there is a plethora of publications against Islam, some non-Muslims do write with a positive approach, for example Karen Armstrong, a well-known religious author has written about the comments Fay Weldon (a British writer) made about the Holy Qur’an in which she said that it is ‘food for no thought’ and that ‘it gives weapons and strength to the thought police’. Explaining Huzuraba said the Qur’an itself has claimed that in it is only guidance for those who are righteous (2:3). Reiterating Huzuraba said having adopted the teachings of the Qur’an we need to silence such people with our deeds reflecting the pure teaching.

Huzuraba related several Ahadith to further elucidate the blessings of reading and enacting on the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Prophetsaw said that good decreases and evil increases in a house where the Qur’an is not read, he enjoined to enhance the beauty of the Holy Qur’an with one’s fine voice. He also said that on the Day of Judgment the Qur’an shall intercede on behalf of those who read it sincerely, that Surah Baqarah and Surah Al Imran shall defend those who read them. The Holy Prophetsaw called Surah Baqarah a part of the zenith of the Holy Qur’an. He said that reading of Quranic portions in Salat is of the most excellence, that it is of greater excellence than otherwise reading it.

Huzuraba read many extracts from the writings of the Promised Messiahas illustrating the merits of reading the Qur’an. The Promised Messiahas said reading of the Qur’an is the root/core of worship; it is the Word of the Beloved and when words of a beloved are read they generate passion and fervour in one.

Huzuraba prayed that may we derive greater benefits from the Qur’an in the remaining few days and may we self-reflect and resolve to make all that we have spiritually gained during Ramadan a part of our daily lives. May Allah enable us all to ever be the recipients of the beneficence of the blessings of the Qur’an.