بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ

Al Islam

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This Week With Huzoor – 16 December 2022

16 Dec 2022

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V(aba)

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with Nasirat and student member of Lajna Imaillah from Belgium. In addition, Huzoor(aba) graciously granted an audience to Honourable Gordon Wyant, the Minister of Advanced Education in Canada.

In the Friday Sermon he speaks on Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra).

0:00 – Intro
1:04 – Introduction of Mulaqat with members of Lajna from Belgium.
1:36 – Would the Salat of a person be accepted, who was immoral, did not make any efforts to reform themselves?
3:31 – Why aren’t the Quranic portions read aloud during Zuhr and Asr prayers?
4:20 – How did Huzoor show great patience and contentment while in jail?
4:59 – How can we encourage another Muslim to reconnect with Allah?
6:22 – Should we observe Purdah in front of our cousins?
7:48 – Would Ahmadis survive the world war 3?
9:52 – Are we permitted to go and study abroad and gain experience?
11:12 – What does the Hadith ‘dependence can lead to disbelief’ mean?
12:15 – Why do we look to the left and right when saying salaam at the end of salat?
13:02 – Why do children starve to death in Africa and other nations?
15:57 – How can I create the best balance between my student and married life?
18:04 – Some people believed in magic and took the miracles of prophets and the dajjal literally, what is our view on this matter?
22:20 – Question about persecution of Jama’at in Pakistan and using that as a means to preach someone.
23:56 – Meeting with Honourable Gordon Wyant, the Minister of Advanced Education in Canada.
26:07 – Friday Sermon Clip 16 December 2022.