بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ

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Muslims who believe in the Messiah,
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian(as)Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as), Love for All, Hatred for None.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool(ra)

A Badri Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa)

(Friday Sermon - October 18, 2019 )


Hazrat Abdullah(ra) was from the Banu Auf, a branch of the Khazraj tribe of the Ansar. He was the son of the Chief of the Hypocrites, Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool. He was a very sincere, loyal and devoted Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa). His mother’s name was Khauwlah bint Munzir. (Al-Sirat al-Nabawiyyah li Ibn Hisham, p. 468, Al-Ansar wa man ma’ahum, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2001) (Al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 408, Abdullah bin Abdullah, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990)

His name during the days of ignorance was Habab, however the Holy Prophet(sa) changed his name to Abdullah and stated, “Habab is the name of Satan.”

“Salool” was the name of Abdullah bin Ubayy’s – the Chief of the Hypocrites – paternal grandmother, and she belonged to the Khuza‘a tribe. Ubayy was known by his mother’s name, therefore he was called Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool. Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool was the cousin of Abu Aamir Rahab through his maternal aunt. Abu Aamir was among those people who would speak about the advent of the Holy Prophet(sa), that a prophet would emerge in the near future. He used to express his belief in this prophet. He would take an oath before the people that he was surely going to appear. During the days of ignorance, Abu Aamir started to wear rough clothes and adopted a life of seclusion. When Allah Almighty sent His Prophet(sa), instead of accepting him as he advised others, the opposite happened and he became jealous. He rebelled against the Holy Prophet(sa) and persisted in his state of disbelief. When he accompanied the idolaters to fight against the Messenger(sa) of Allah during Badr, the Holy Prophet(sa) labelled him as a ‘fasiq’ (transgressor). (Al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, pp. 408-409, Abdullah bin Abdullah, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990)


The following names are mentioned amongst the children of Hazrat Abdullah(ra): ‘Ubadah, Julayhah, Khaythamah, Khuwali and Umamah. Hazrat Abdullah(ra) accepted Islam and was very devout in his belief. He was considered amongst the prominent Companions of the Holy Prophet(sa). He fought alongside the Holy Prophet(sa) at the time of Badr, Uhud, and all other battles. He was able to read, write, and Hazrat Aisha(ra) has narrated sayings of the Holy Prophet(sa) through him. He also had the honour of being one of the scribes of the Holy Quran. (Al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 409, Abdullah bin Abdullah, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990) (Siyar as-Sahaba az Saeed Ansari, Vol. 3, p. 425, Darul Isha’at, Karachi, 2004)

Injuries in the Battle of Uhud

It is narrated that Hazrat Abdullah’s(ra) nose was severed during the Battle of Uhud, and that the Holy Prophet(sa) instructed him to get it replaced with a nose made of gold.

On the other hand, according to another narration, Hazrat Abdullah(ra) lost two teeth during the Battle of Uhud, and the Messenger(sa) of Allah instructed him to get teeth made of gold as a replacement. The narrator of this tradition states that the narration about the two teeth is more famous and authentic, and this seems more accurate. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 298, Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Ubayy, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2008)

Sometimes certain narrators tend to exaggerate, or the message is not properly understood. So, the narration about the teeth seems more accurate in that he lost his teeth, and the Holy Prophet(sa) instructed him to get them replaced with teeth made of gold. Even in those days, they would place a crown on the teeth.

Abu Sufyan’s Challenge

Abu Sufyan had challenged the Muslims during the Battle of Uhud that the following year they would face each other once again at the location of Badr. While mentioning this incident in his book, The Life & Character of the Seal of the Prophets, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib(ra) has consulted various historical sources and presented the following details:

“In the events of the Battle of Uhud, it has already been mentioned that while returning from the battlefield, Abu Sufyan challenged the Muslims to both parties meeting again the following year at Badr, and the Holy Prophet(sa) announced his acceptance of this challenge. Hence, the next year, in 4 AH at the end of the month of Shawwal, the Holy Prophet(sa) set out from Medina with a force of 1,500 Companions(ra) and appointed Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Ubayy as the Amir in his absence.

“On the other hand, Abu Sufyan bin Harb also set out from Mecca with an army of the Quraish consisting of 2,000 men. However, despite the victory at Uhud, and a force this large, his heart was fearful, and even though he was bent upon the destruction of Islam, he wished not to confront the Muslims until he could gather a more significant force. As such, he was still in Mecca when he dispatched a man by the name of Na‘im, who belonged to a neutral tribe, towards Medina and emphatically instructed him that in any way possible, he should intimidate and threaten the Muslims, and craft fabricated stories to hold them back from setting out for war. Hence, this individual came to Medina and crafting false stories of the preparation, strength, zeal and fury of the Quraish, created a state of unrest in Medina. This was carried out to such an extent that various people of weaker dispositions began to harbor fear in taking part in the battle. However, the Holy Prophet(sa) encouraged the Muslims to go forth, and in his address, he stated:

“‘We have already accepted the challenge of the Quraish, and we have promised to set out on this occasion; therefore, we cannot turn back. Even if I am required to go alone, I shall go and stand firm in the face of the enemy.’

“As a result, the fear of the people was dispelled, and they became prepared to set out in the company of the Holy Prophet(sa) with great zeal and sincerity.

“In any case, the Holy Prophet(sa) set out from Medina with 1,500 Companions(ra), and on the opposing end, Abu Sufyan set out from Mecca with his 2,000 warriors. However, the power of God was such that the Muslims reached Badr according to their promise, but the army of the Quraish came out to some distance and then retreated to Mecca. The account is that when Abu Sufyan learnt of the failure of Na‘im, he became fearful in his heart and after having travelled some distance, he retreated with his army admonishing them:

“‘This year, the famine is very severe, and people are facing financial difficulty. Therefore it is not wise to fight at this time. We shall attack Medina with greater preparation when a time of affluence is at hand.’

“The Muslim army stayed at Badr for eight days, and since a carnival would take place there every year at the beginning of Dhul Qa‘dah, during the carnival, many Companions(ra) engaged in trade and were able to generate significant profits. As a matter of fact, in this eight-day business venture, they were able to multiply their initial capital two-fold. When the carnival came to an end, and the army of the Quraish did not arrive, the Holy Prophet(sa) departed from Badr and returned to Medina. The Quraish returned to Mecca and began to prepare for an attack upon Medina. This Ghazwah is known as the Ghazwah of Badrul-Mau‘id.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra), pp. 529-530)


Hazrat Abdullah(ra) was martyred in 12 AH in the Battle of Yamama, during the era of Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra). (Al-Isti’ab, Vol. 3, p. 77, Abdullah bin Abdullah Ansari, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2010)

Abdullah Bin Ubayy bin Salool’s Acceptance of Islam

There is a narration in Sahih Bukhari regarding Hazrat Abdullah’s(ra) father, Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool. There are certain narrations, which perhaps are not directly related, however, I present them because one is able to acquire an understanding of [Islamic] history as well. Hazrat Usama bin Zaid(ra) relates that the Holy Prophet(sa) was once riding on a donkey upon which a sheet of cloth made in Fadak was placed. The Holy Prophet(sa) sat Hazrat Usama bin Zaid(ra) behind him and they were travelling to visit Hazrat Sa‘d(ra) bin Ubadah, who was unwell and resided in the neighbourhood of the Banu Harith bin Khazraj. This incident took place prior to the Battle of Badr. Hazrat Usama bin Zaid(ra) relates that whilst travelling they went past a gathering in which Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool was also sitting – at the time he had not become a Muslim, or rather he had not yet accepted Islam to conceal his hypocrisy. The gathering consisted of a mix of individuals, there were some mushrikeen [idolaters], Jews and Muslims, who were all sitting in this gathering, and Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Rawaha was also among them. When the dust from his mount fell on the gathering, Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool covered his nose and said (perhaps addressing the Holy Prophet(sa)), “Do not cast dust upon us!” The Holy Prophet(sa) offered greetings of Salam [peace] and got off the animal. The Holy Prophet(sa) then invited them towards Allah and recited the Holy Quran. Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool replied, “There is nothing better than what you say” or perhaps he said, “Is there nothing better you can say?” The meaning of course, depends on how it was translated from the original text, therefore the original source needs to be consulted in order to determine exactly what he said. In any case, he stated, “There is nothing better than what you say, however do not come to our gathering and disrupt it, rather go back to where you came from and inform those who come to you.” Upon hearing this, Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Rawaha stated, “O Prophet(sa) of Allah! You should come to our gatherings and recite this to us as we greatly enjoy this.” Consequently, the Muslims, idolaters, and Jews began to quarrel with one another and were almost about to attack one another, however the Holy Prophet(sa) continued to calm them down and advise them. Eventually, they stopped and the Holy Prophet(sa) mounted his animal and set off and reached Hazrat Sa‘d(ra) bin Ubadah. The Holy Prophet(sa) asked Hazrat Sa‘d(ra) bin Ubadah, “O Sa‘d! Have you heard what Abu Habab said to me today?” The Holy Prophet(sa) was referring to Abdullah bin Ubayy. The Holy Prophet(sa) then related to him the entire incident. Hazrat Sa‘d(ra) bin Ubadah replied, “O Prophet(sa) of Allah! Forgive him and overlook [this act of his]. I swear by Him Who has revealed this Book to you, that God Almighty has now established the truth which He has bestowed upon you. The people here had already decided to appoint him, i.e. Abdullah bin Ubayy as their leader and to place the crown of leadership upon his head. However, when Allah the Almighty did not allow this to happen owing to the truth which God Almighty has revealed to you, he began to burn in his fire of jealousy. This is the reason why he uttered this.” Upon hearing this, the Holy Prophet(sa) forgave him. When the idolaters and the People of Book would cause affliction to the Holy Prophet(sa) and his Companions(ra), they would in turn forgive them as per the commandment of God Almighty:

وَلَتَسْمَعُنَّ مِنَ الَّذِینَ أُوْتُوا الْکِتَابَ مِنْ قَبْلِکُمْ وَمِنَ الَّذِیْنَ أَشْرَکُوْا أَذًى کَثِیرًا

“…and you shall surely hear many hurtful things from those who were given the Book before you and from those who set up equals to God.” [Surah Al-e-Imran, Ch.3: V.187]

God Almighty then stated:

وَدَّ کَثِیْرٌ مِنْ أَہْلِ الْکِتَابِ لَوْ یَرُدُّوْنَکُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ إِیمَانِکُمْ کُفَّارًا حَسَدًا مِّنْ عِنْدِ أَنْفُسِہِمْ

“Many of the People of the Book wish out of sheer envy from their own selves that, after you have believed, they could turn you again into disbelievers. But forgive and turn away from them, till Allah brings about His decree. Surely, Allah has the power to do all that He wills.” [Surah al-Baqarah, Ch.2: V.110]

Indeed, the Holy Prophet(sa) would deem forgiveness as the most appropriate recourse just as God Almighty had commanded him to do as well, but in the end, God Almighty granted the Holy Prophet(sa) permission when he stood against them at Badr. God Almighty caused some of the prominent leaders among the disbelievers of Quraish to be killed, it was then that Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool and other idolaters began to claim that this indeed was an outstanding community. Subsequently, they pledged initiation to the Holy Prophet(sa) to adhere to Islam and became Muslims. (Sahih Bukhari, Kitabut Tafsir, Bab “Wa latasma‘unna minalladhina…”, Hadith 4566)

However, their acceptance of Islam was only owing to fear because they realised that Muslims had won the Battle of Badr. Therefore, as I mentioned that some of the narrations may not have any direct link, however I mention them so that we can also develop an understanding of the historical events of that time.

Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool’s Character

Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib(ra) has further related details in regard to Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool’s character:

“The Holy Prophet(sa) gathered the Muslims and sought their counsel with regard to this attack of the Quraish; whether they should remain in Medina, or set out to fight the enemy. Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Sulool, who was actually a hypocrite, but after the Battle of Badr had become a Muslim at the outset, was also a part of this consultative meeting, and this was the first occasion upon which the Holy Prophet(sa) invited him to participate in consultation. Prior to beginning, the Holy Prophet(sa) mentioned the attack of the Quraish and their deadly intentions. Then, the Holy Prophet(sa) said, ‘Last night in my dream, I saw a cow, and I also saw that the tip of my sword had broken. Then, I saw the cow being slaughtered, and I also saw that I had placed my hand in a secure and strong coat of mail.’ It has also been related in one narration that the Holy Prophet(sa) said, ‘I saw as if I was mounted on the back of a ram.’ The Companions(ra) enquired, ‘O Messenger(sa) of Allah! How have you interpreted this dream?’ The Holy Prophet(sa) responded, ‘I have understood the slaughtering of the cow to infer that some of my Companions(ra) shall be martyred, and it seems as if the breaking of the tip of my sword is an indication towards the martyrdom of someone from among my relatives, or perhaps I shall myself suffer an injury in this campaign. As for placing my hand in a coat of mail, I have understood this to infer that in order to fend off this attack, it is more appropriate for us to remain in Medina.’ The Holy Prophet(sa) interpreted the dream of himself being mounted on a ram to symbolise the leader of the army of the Quraish, i.e., its flag-bearer–who would, God-willing, be slain at the hands of the Muslims.

“After this, the Holy Prophet(sa) sought the counsel of his Companions(ra), as to what should be done in the current state of affairs. Upon weighing the pros and cons of the situation at hand, and perhaps being somewhat swayed by the dream of the Holy Prophet(sa), some of the prominent Companions(ra) submitted the opinion that it was more appropriate to remain in Medina and fight. Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Sulool, chief of the hypocrites, proposed the same. The Holy Prophet(sa) also preferred this proposal and said, ‘It seems more beneficial for us to stay in Medina and fight them.’ However, a majority of the Companions(ra), and especially those young men who had not participated in the Battle of Badr, and were restless to receive an opportunity to serve the religion by means of their own martyrdom, very forcefully insisted that they should go forth from the city and fight in an open field. This group presented their opinion with such persistence that upon witnessing their zeal, the Holy Prophet(sa) accepted their proposal and decided that the Muslims would fight the disbelievers in an open field. After the Friday Prayer, the Holy Prophet(sa) publicly urged the Muslims to attain spiritual reward through Jihad in the cause of Allah by participating in this Ghazwah. Thereafter, the Holy Prophet(sa) retired to his residence, where he tied his turban, put on his equipment and took his arms with the assistance of Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra) and Hazrat Umar(ra), and came out in the name of Allah. However, during this time, due to the admonishment of Sa‘d bin Mu‘az(ra), chief of the Aus tribe and other prominent Companions(ra), the party of young men began to realise their mistake, in that they should not have insisted upon their own opinion in opposition to the view of God’s Messenger, and most of them were now inclined towards remorse.

“When these people saw the Holy Prophet(sa) coming with his arms, clad in double the armour, and his helmet, etc., their regret grew even more. They almost unanimously submitted, ‘O Messenger(sa) of Allah! We have committed a mistake in insisting upon our own view over yours. You should employ whatever strategy you deem most appropriate. God-willing, it shall be most blessed.’  The Holy Prophet(sa) said, ‘It does not befit a Prophet of God to put on his arms and then lay them down before God issues forth a verdict. So go forth now in the name of Allah, and if you are steadfast, then be certain that the succour of Allah the Exalted shall be with you.’ After this, the Holy Prophet(sa) instructed that three flags be prepared for the Muslim army. The flag of the Aus tribe was entrusted to Usaid bin Hudair(ra), the flag of the Khazraj tribe was entrusted to Habbab bin Munzir(ra) and the flag of the Muhajireen was entrusted to Hazrat Ali(ra). Then, after appointing Abdullah bin Ummi Maktum(ra) as the Imamus-Salat in Medina and observing Asr Salat, the Holy Prophet(sa) set out from Medina with a large community of the Companions(ra). The chieftains of the Aus and Khazraj tribe, Sa‘d bin Mu‘az(ra) and Sa‘d bin Ubadah(ra) proceeded along, running slowly, just ahead of the mount of the Holy Prophet(sa), and the rest of the Companions(ra) moved forward–positioned to the right, left and behind the Holy Prophet(sa). The mountain of Uhud is situated approximately three miles to the north of Medina. At the halfway mark, at a place known as Shaikhain, the Holy Prophet(sa) halted and ordered an inspection of the Muslim army. Minors who had come along in their eagerness to participate in Jihad were sent back. Accordingly, Abdullah bin Umar(ra), Usamah bin Zaid(ra), and Abu Said Khudri(ra), among others, were all sent back. Rafay bin Khadij(ra) was also the same age as these children, but possessed great skill in archery. Due to this quality of his, his father interceded on his behalf before the Holy Prophet(sa) so that he may be permitted to participate in this Jihad. When the Holy Prophet(sa) lifted his sights towards Rafay, he took a firm stance at attention in the likeness of warriors, so that he could appear strong and tall. As such, this plan succeeded and the Holy Prophet(sa) granted him permission to ride along. Upon this, another child by the name of Samurah bin Jundub(ra), who had been ordered to return, went to his father and said, ‘If Rafay has been granted permission, then I should be permitted as well, because I am stronger than Rafay and can put him down in a bout of wrestling.’ The father was overjoyed at the sincerity of his son; both father and son presented themselves before the Holy Prophet(sa) and the father presented the desire of his son. The Holy Prophet(sa) smiled and said, ‘Alright then, let Rafay and Samurah wrestle one another, so that we may determine who is the stronger of the two.’ Thus, the competition took place; Samurah(ra) took hold of Rafay(ra) and threw him to the ground in an instant. The Holy Prophet(sa) granted Samurah(ra) permission to come along as well, and this innocent child was delighted. Now that evening had arrived, Bilal(ra) called the Azan, and all of the Companions(ra) offered their Salat behind the Holy Prophet(sa). Then, the Muslims set up camp for the night at this very place. The Holy Prophet(sa) appointed Muhammad bin Maslamah(ra) to arrange security for the night; alongside a group of 50 Companions, he circled the Muslim army and stood guard all night long.

“The following day, on 15 Shawwal 3 AH or 31 March 624 AD on Saturday, before dawn, the Muslim army marched forward and offering their Salat en-route, reached the foot of mount Uhud at the start of the morning. It was on this occasion that the evil Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Sulool, chief of the hypocrites, betrayed the Muslims, and separating himself along with 300 followers, returned to Medina saying, ‘Muhammad(sa) did not pay heed to my advice, and being swayed by inexperienced youngsters, has come out of Medina. Hence, I cannot remain with him and fight.’ Some people admonished him of their own accord, saying that such betrayal was uncalled for, but he would not have it, and continued to retort, ‘If this was a battle, I too would have taken part, but this is not battle, it is suicide.’ Now all that remained of the Muslim army was 700 souls, which was even less than a quarter of the 3,000 warriors of the Quraish.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra), pp. 484-487) (Mu’jamul Buldan, Vol. 3, p. 168, Zeer Lafz ‘Shaikhan’)

(Friday Sermon - November 15, 2019 )

Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool’s Hypocrisy

When I concluded that sermon, I spoke about Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool, the father of Hazrat Abdullah(ra), in relation to the Battle of Uhud.

After accepting the request of the youth, when the Holy Prophet(sa) decided to go out of Medina to confront the enemy, initially, Abdullah bin Ubayy and his companions also went along. However, after reaching the valley of Mount Uhud, he revolted and returned to Medina with 300 of his followers, saying, “Muhammad[sa], the Messenger of Allah, did not pay heed to my advice of remaining in Medina to fight against the enemy.” He also stated, “What sort of fight is this? This is tantamount to suicide.” He then said, “I do not want to wish to place myself in danger.” Nonetheless, hypocrisy was embedded in his heart from the beginning and a hypocrite always displays cowardice, which became evident on this occasion. Hence, when he left with his followers, the total number of the Muslim army was reduced to 700. (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra), p. 487)

In spite of this, when the battle commenced, the Muslims had the upper hand and they were closing in on victory. However, owing to not acting upon the instructions of the Holy Prophet(sa) , and due to abandoning the mountain pass, the Muslims suffered a heavy loss.

Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool’s Hypocrisy Increasing

I will now present some details of the demeanour of Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool after this battle and how he began to utter hurtful and contemptuous remarks about the Holy Prophet(sa) and other Muslims. These accounts also show the love Hazrat Abdullah(ra) had for Islam and the Holy Prophet(sa). They prove that he was prepared to take any action necessary against his own father if he made an attack against the honour of Islam and the Holy Prophet(sa).

With regard to how he began to mock others, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib(ra) writes in Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin [The Life and Character of the Seal of the Prophets]:

“After the Battle of Uhud, the Jews and hypocrites of Medina, who had become somewhat awe-stricken as a result of the Battle of Badr now became relatively bold. As a matter of fact, Abdullah bin Ubayy and his supporters openly hurled mockery and taunt on this occasion.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra), p. 506)

However, the Holy Prophet(sa) would always overlook their actions. Upon witnessing the kind treatment of the Holy Prophet(sa), instead of feeling ashamed for their actions, they increased in their brazenness and impudence. The audacity of Abdullah bin Ubayy – the Chief of the Hypocrites – and the love the Holy Prophet(sa) had for his son, Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Abdullah, as well as the level of Hazrat Abdullah’s(ra) loyalty and sincerity can be gauged from the following incident:

“In the fifth year of Hijrah, whilst returning from the Battle of Bani Mustaliq, the Holy Prophet(sa) remained in Muraisi for a few days. This was the name of a well of the Banu Mustaliq. However, during this stay, an untoward incident took place, which almost led to the outbreak of civil war between the weaker Muslims. However, the wisdom and magnetic influence of the Holy Prophet(sa) saved the Muslims. It so happened that a servant of Hazrat Umar(ra) named Jahjah went to the main spring in Muraisi to fetch some water. Coincidentally, another person named Sinan, who was from among the confederates of the Ansar, arrived at the spring as well. Both of these individuals were ignorant commoners. An altercation ensued between the two of them at the spring, and Jahjah struck Sinan. That did it, and Sinan began to scream and shout, ‘O People of the Ansar! Come to my aid, I have been beaten and attacked.’ When Jahjah saw that Sinan was calling his people to aid him, he also began to call for his own, ‘O Muhajirin, come hither, run!’ When the Ansar and Muhajirin heard this voice, a multitude of them rushed towards the spring with their swords in hand, and before they knew it, quite a large horde of people had gathered. Certain ignorant youngsters were about to attack each other, but a few wise and faithful Muhajirin and Ansar arrived on the scene in time, who immediately separated the people and reconciled between them.

“When the Holy Prophet(sa) received news of this, he stated that this was a manifestation of ignorant conduct and expressed his displeasure. In this way, the matter was settled. However, when news of this occurrence reached Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool, who was also present in this Ghazwah (of Bani Mustaliq), this evil man desired to revive the disorder. He greatly incited his followers against the Holy Prophet(sa) and said, ‘This is all your own fault, it is you who have granted refuge to these strangers and allowed them to rule upon you. You still have an opportunity to relinquish your support for them and they shall leave themselves.’ Eventually, this wretched man went so far as to say:

لَئِنْ رَّجَعْنَا إِلَى الْمَدِینَۃِ لَیُخْرِجَنَّ الْأَعَزُّ مِنْہَا الْأَذَلَّ

This is mentioned in Surah Al-Munafiqun of the Holy Quran, meaning, ‘Just wait and see, now when we arrive in Medina, the most honoured man or people, shall exile the most disgraceful person or people from the city.’

“At the time, a sincere young child from among the Muslims named Zaid bin Arqam(ra) was present. Upon hearing these words regarding the Holy Prophet(sa) from the mouth of Abdullah, he became restless and conveyed news of this incident to the Holy Prophet(sa) through his paternal-uncle.” Observe the level of loyalty and sincerity shown by even the children; they would remain vigilant and they understood what was right and what was wrong. Nonetheless, he conveyed the message through his paternal-uncle.

“At the time, Hazrat Umar(ra) was sitting in the company of the Holy Prophet(sa), and upon hearing these words, he became inflamed in anger and indignation. He submitted to the Holy Prophet(sa), ‘O Messenger(sa) of Allah! Grant me permission, I shall behead this hypocritical and seditious man.’ The Holy Prophet(sa) responded, ‘Let it be Umar(ra)! Would you like people to spread the news that Muhammad(sa) kills his own followers?’ Then, the Holy Prophet(sa) summoned Abdullah bin Ubayy and his followers, and enquired of them as regards to this matter. They all swore that they had not said such things. Some from among the Ansar also interceded and submitted, ‘Perhaps Zaid bin Arqam(ra) may have been mistaken.’ On this occasion, the Holy Prophet(sa) accepted the statement of Abdullah bin Ubayy and his followers, and rejected the submission of Zaid(ra). Upon this, Zaid(ra) was deeply grieved, but Quranic revelation was later sent down in confirmation of Zaid(ra), and the hypocrites were declared to be liars (i.e. the verse I recited previously).

“The Holy Prophet(sa) summoned Abdullah bin Ubayy and his followers to enquire regarding this matter, and at the same instructed Hazrat Umar(ra) to order an immediate departure. It was noon, and generally the Holy Prophet(sa) would not depart at such an hour, because due to the climate in Arabia, this was a time of intense heat, and it was extremely difficult to travel at this time. However, in light of the prevalent circumstances, the Holy Prophet(sa) considered it best to depart at once. Therefore, according to his command, the Muslim army prepared to depart immediately. It was perhaps on this very occasion that Usaid bin Hudair Ansari, who was a very renowned chieftain of the Aus tribe, presented himself before the Holy Prophet(sa) and submitted:

‘O Messenger(sa) of Allah! You do not normally march at this time of day. What has happened today? Why have we set off in the afternoon?’ The Holy Prophet(sa) said, ‘Usaid! Have you not heard the words of Abdullah bin Ubayy? He says, ‘Once we arrive in Medina, the most honoured individual shall cast out the meanest.’ Usaid(ra) spontaneously said, ‘Indeed, O Messenger(sa) of Allah, you may certainly throw out Abdullah from Medina. By God! It is you who are the most honourable and it is he who is the most disgraceful.’ Then, Usaid(ra) went on to submit, ‘O Messenger(sa) of Allah! You are aware that prior to your arrival, Abdullah bin Ubayy was very revered amongst his people, and they were about to accept him as a king, but this was mixed to dust when you arrived. Due to this reason, his heart harbours jealousy towards you. Therefore, do not care for his nonsense, and forgive him.’

Loyalty to the Holy Prophet(sa)

“After some time, the son of Abdullah bin Ubayy – whose name was Habbab, but the Holy Prophet(sa) changed it to Abdullah”, i.e. the companion whose account is being mentioned, and he was a very faithful Companion – presented himself before the Holy Prophet(sa) in a state of concern and said:

‘O Messenger(sa) of Allah, I have heard that you intend to execute my father on account of his blasphemy and sedition. If this is your verdict, then permit me. I shall sever my father’s head and place it before you, but I urge you not to command anyone else. I fear that a tinge of ignorance may flare up in my body, and at some time, I may cause harm to the executioner of my father, and fall into hell despite longing for the pleasure of Allah’.” Meaning that, although he desired nothing but the pleasure of Allah, yet he did not wish to enter hell owing to the killing of a Muslim. “The Holy Prophet(sa) calmed him and said, ‘We have no such intention, rather, in any case, we shall demonstrate compassion and benevolence towards your father.’

“However, Abdullah(ra) bin Abdullah bin Ubayy was so incensed against his father that when the Muslim army set back for Medina, Abdullah(ra) stood before his father and blocked his passage, saying, ‘By God! I shall not permit you to return, until you confess with your own tongue that the Holy Prophet(sa) is most honoured and you are the most disgraced.’ Abdullah(ra) pressed his father to such an extent that finally he was compelled to say these words, upon which Abdullah(ra) left him free to proceed.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra), pp. 557, 559-561)

Ibn Sa‘d has mentioned this incident in the following manner:

“When the Holy Prophet(sa) instructed the companions to set out, the son of Abdullah bin Ubayy, Hazrat Abdullah(ra), blocked the path of his father. He dismounted from his camel and said to his father, ‘Until you declare that you are the most wretched and that Muhammad(sa) is the most honourable, I will not leave you alone.’ When the Holy Prophet(sa) passed by and witnessed this, he said, ‘Let him be! I swear by my life, we will most certainly treat him kindly for as long as he is among us.’” (Al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 2, p. 50, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990)

This is written in Al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra. Apart from this, it is also mentioned that Hazrat Abdullah’s(ra) father, Abdullah bin Ubayy said:

لَیُخْرِجَنَّ الْأَعَزُّ مِنْہَا الْأَذَلَّ

That is, “The most honourable individual or party will expel the most wretched individual or party from his city.” Upon this, Hazrat Abdullah(ra) said to the Holy Prophet(sa), “O Prophet of Allah(sa)! He is the wretched one and you are the honourable one!” The son said this about his own father. (Al-Istiaab Fi Marifati Al-Sahaab, Vol. 3, p. 941, Dar-ul-Jeel, Beirut)

Incident of Ifk (The Great Calumny)

Then, the Great Calumny, which was raised by the hypocrites, was in relation to the incident of Ifk [the lie], the main instigator of which was Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool. The incident relating to Ifk occurred on the return from the Battle of Banu Mustaliq, in which a licentious allegation was raised against Hazrat Aisha(ra). The instigator of this accusation was Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool. I have already presented the details regarding the incident of Ifk in a sermon towards the end of last year. However, I will present some details in relation to this here as well. The narration of Hazrat Aisha(ra) is the same and I will present some parts of it. She narrates:

“It was a custom of the Holy Prophet(sa) that when he intended to embark on a journey, he used to draw lots amongst his wives, then he would take along with him the one on whom the lot fell. On one occasion, before a ghazwah [expedition], he drew lots in the same manner, and the lot fell on me. Thus, the Holy Prophet(sa) took me along. This was the time when injunctions on Pardah had already been revealed. Hence, during this journey, I would sit in a litter, and it would be placed on the back of a camel (this was a seat which was covered on all sides with drapes). Wherever a halt was made, it would be placed on the ground. When the Holy Prophet(sa) set back after having finished from his ghazwah, and we approached near the city of Medina, one night, the Holy Prophet(sa) ordered a departure. When I heard this announcement, I left to one side away from the army in order to attend to the call of nature, and returned after I had finished.

“When I returned to my camel, I found that my necklace (which was made from black gemstones) had been lost. I went back in search of it and was delayed a short while. In the meantime, those who had been appointed to lift my litter and place it on the back of the camel arrived, and assuming that I was in the litter, lifted it and placed it on the camel, and marched on with the army. In any case, when I returned after finding my necklace (that had been lost), I returned to the same place where the army was stationed but found it empty. I became extremely worried, but I thought to myself that I should remain at my place, because when people realize that I had been left behind, they would surely return. Therefore, I sat on my spot and was soon overcome by sleep. Now, it so happened that Safwan(ra) bin Mu‘attal Zakwani was a companion whose duty was to stay behind the army (so that fallen items, etc. could be retrieved). When he arrived from behind the army and reached my resting place just before dawn, he found me sleeping there alone. Since he had already seen me prior to the revelation of injunctions relevant to Pardah, he recognised me immediately and said:

اِنَّا لِلّٰہِ

(To Allah we belong…)

I was awakened by his voice… (Nonetheless,) After this, he brought forward his camel and made it kneel close to me. I sat on the camel and he walked ahead holding the bridle of the camel. We finally reached the place where the Muslim army had setup camp. We reached in the height of noon and this was a time when everyone had retired to their camps for brief rest.”

She then says:

“This is the account, due to which those who were to be ruined, ruined themselves. (i.e. those that were to raise this allegation). The key proponent who was responsible for spreading this slander was Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool, chief of the hypocrites.”

She then says, “After this, we reached Medina, and it so happened that as soon as we arrived, I fell ill, and this illness lasted for one month. During this time, the forged statements of the slanderers were noised widely and rumours were spread. However, until then, I had absolutely no notion of this calumny. One thing I did notice, however, was that during my period of illness, the Holy Prophet(sa) did not extend to me the usual affection and kindness that I was accustomed to. He would enter and only extend the greetings of peace and enquire about me.”

She says, “I had no idea of the rumours that were being spread. One day I went to attend the call of nature along with Ummi Mistah (in order to attend the call of nature they would have to go outside). It  was then that she related to me about what was being propagated. After this, when the Holy Prophet(sa) came to visit me as usual and asked, ‘How are you feeling now?’ I submitted, ‘O Messenger(sa) of Allah! If you permit, may I go to the home of my parents for a few days?’ The Holy Prophet(sa) granted permission and I went to them.

“As such, I went there and enquired of my mother about what people were saying. My mother said, ‘O Daughter! Worry not on account of what they say. People often say such things.’

“I spontaneously said, ‘Holy is Allah! Are people actually saying these things about me?’”

She then says, “I began to weep, and my tears would not stop. I did not sleep all night. At dawn, I was still weeping.” She says this was when I discovered the allegation the people had raised against me. Thus, the slander continued and the Holy Prophet(sa) sought advice from some of his companions. Hazrat Aisha(ra) says:

“One day, the Holy Prophet(sa) called Barirah (who was the personal maid of Hazrat Aisha(ra)) and enquired, ‘Barirah, have you ever seen anything in Aisha(ra) as may be considered suspicious?’ Barirah responded, ‘I have seen no such thing. I swear by that God Who has sent you with the truth, I have never seen anything evil about her, except that on account of her young age, she is a bit careless. It often happens that she leaves the dough exposed and falls asleep, while the goats come and consume it. (It is only carelessness and nothing more, or that she would often feel sleepy.) Upon hearing this, the Holy Prophet(sa) addressed his companions on the same day and informed them about the conduct of Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool. The Holy Prophet(sa) said, ‘Is there anyone from among you who can put an end to this? I have been given great grief with respect to my wife on account of him. By God, I know nothing of my wife except piety and goodness. Moreover, I also consider the man who has been mentioned in this connection to be pious (i.e. the other companion who was accused). He has never come to my home in my absence and he always came when I was present.’”

Hazrat Aisha(ra) further narrates:

“One day, the Holy Prophet(sa) addressed me directly regarding the matter, upon which I replied, ‘By God, I am aware that certain things which people have rumoured about me have reached you, (i.e. the rumours that people are levelling against me). Hence, if I advocate my innocence, and God Almighty knows that I am indeed innocent, you shall doubt me, but if I accept myself as being guilty, despite my being innocent, you shall believe me. Since the rumours had become so widespread, most people had become convinced, and even some of the companions were saying words to this effect.

“By God, I find myself in the situation of the father of Joseph(as), who said:

فَصَبْرٌ جَمِیْلٌ وَاللّٰہُ الْمُسْتَعَانُ عَلٰی مَا تَصِفُوْنَ

That is to say, patience is better for me, and it is Allah alone Whose help I seek against what these people assert.’” This verse is mentioned in Surah Yusuf.

She says, “After this I moved to one side and lay in my bed and was hopeful that God Almighty would provide proof of my innocence, (i.e. that God Almighty would certainly inform the Holy Prophet(sa) of my innocence in this matter.)”

Hazrat Aisha(ra) then says, “However, by God, (shortly after the aforementioned incident took place) the Holy Prophet(sa) had not yet left this sitting, nor had any other person of the household left, (Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra) and the mother of Hazrat Aisha(ra) was also present.) when he was overtaken by the state which he would experience upon the receipt of divine revelation which was extremely exhausting and his body would be overcome with sweat.”

Hazrat Aisha(ra) then says, “After some time, this state left him. The Holy Prophet(sa) smiled and looked towards me saying, ‘O Aisha(ra)! God has affirmed your innocence.’ At this, my mother spontaneously said, ‘O Aisha(ra)! Get up! And go to the Holy Prophet(sa).’ However, I said, ‘I will not thank the Holy Prophet(sa), in fact, I am thankful to my Lord Alone.’ God Almighty had revealed the following revelation:

إِنَّ الَّذِیْنَ جَاءُوْا بِالْإِفْکِ عُصْبَۃٌ مِّنْکُمْ

‘Verily, those who brought forth the lie are a party from among you.’”

Nevertheless, despite all of these matters, her innocence was proven. The Holy Prophet(sa) made an announcement as a verse was revealed in the Holy Quran by Allah the Almighty. As a matter of fact, Hazrat Aisha(ra) used to say, “I thought that Allah the Almighty would inform the Holy Prophet(sa) of this matter through a dream or through some other means. However, I did not expect a verse of the Holy Quran to be revealed in relation to this. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Shahadaat, Baab Ta‘deel-ul-Nisa Bazahunna Bazan, Hadith no. 2661)

The Death of Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool

Hence, this matter came to an end and such allegations and ill-deeds continued. However, despite all of this, how did the Holy Prophet(sa), the mercy for the whole of mankind, treat this chief of the hypocrites? When the father of Hazrat Abdullah(ra), i.e. Abdullah bin Ubayy passed away, Hazrat Abdullah(ra) requested the Holy Prophet(sa) to lead his funeral prayer. He also requested the Holy Prophet(sa) for his shirt so that it could be used as a burial garment for his father so that it may serve as a means of alleviating his punishment. Upon this, the Holy Prophet(sa) gave him his shirt.

In another narration, it states that when the father of Hazrat Abdullah(ra) passed away, i.e. Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool, Hazrat Abdullah(ra) presented himself before the Holy Prophet(sa) and said, “Please grant me your shirt so that I may wrap it around my father as a burial garment. Please offer his funeral prayer and seek forgiveness for him.” Upon this, the Holy Prophet(sa) gave him his shirt and said to call him when they had made arrangements for the burial.

When the Holy Prophet(sa) was about to lead his funeral prayer, Hazrat Umar(ra) submitted to the Holy Prophet(sa), “God Almighty has forbidden you from leading the funeral prayer of the hypocrites.” The Holy Prophet(sa) replied, “I have been given the option to seek forgiveness for them.” Thus, the Holy Prophet(sa) led his funeral prayer, but thereafter, once the complete prohibition to lead the funeral prayer of such people had been revealed, the Holy Prophet(sa) never led funeral prayer of the hypocrites. (Al-Istiaab Fi Ma‘rifat Al-Sahab, Vol. 3, p. 941, Dar-ul-Jeel, Beirut)

According to another narration, when the Holy Prophet(sa) arrived, his body had already been lowered into the grave. The Holy Prophet(sa) ordered for it to be taken out and placed Abdullah bin Ubayy’s head upon his lap and then placed his blessed saliva into his mouth and prayed for him. The Holy Prophet(sa) then took of his upper garment and placed it upon him. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Janaiz, Hadith no. 1350)

In another narration related by Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah(ra) states that after the Battle of Badr, when the prisoners from among the disbelievers were brought, Abbas(ra) was also taken as prisoner, but did not have any clothes to cover himself with. The Holy Prophet(sa) ordered for an upper garment to be found for him and everyone decided that Abdullah bin Ubayy’s garment would be most suitable for him. The Holy Prophet(sa) thus gave Abbas(ra) that garment. It was owing to this that the Holy Prophet(sa) granted Abdullah bin Ubayy his own garment for him to wear upon his demise. Ibn Uyaynah states that since he had afforded this act of kindness to the Holy Prophet(sa), therefore the Holy Prophet(sa) also desired to return this gesture of kindness. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Jihad, Hadith no. 3008)

Even though this narration is found in Bukhari as well, however it does not seem to be an authentic narration, as the Holy Prophet(sa) was the Mercy for the entire World.

Firstly, according to the opinion of some, he had not even accepted Islam at the time of Badr. Moreover, the Holy Prophet(sa) was a mercy for the entire world and had conferred upon him countless acts of kindness and so even if he [Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool] did take off his shirt, it was not the case that the Holy Prophet(sa) simply did this in return for that particular act of his. In my opinion, this expression of kindness was owing to his son, Hazrat Abdullah(ra), who had shown great honour for Islam and the Holy Prophet(sa) on every occasion. He safeguarded his faith and even firmly treated his own father as well. Thus, in order to comfort and console the son, or perhaps to fulfil his wish, the Holy Prophet(sa) took off his garment and gave it to him.

Hazrat Umar(ra) bin Khattab relates, “When Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool died, the Holy Prophet(sa) was requested to offer his funeral prayer. (Hazrat Umar(ra) has narrated this entire incident as well.) When the Holy Prophet(sa) was about to stand for the prayer, I quickly went before him and said, ‘O Prophet(sa) Allah! Are you about to lead the funeral prayer of ibn Ubayy? He had committed such and such act on such day.’ I then began to recount some of his ill deeds, however the Holy Prophet(sa) smiled and said, ‘Umar(ra) move out of the way.’ When I insisted upon this, the Holy Prophet(sa) stated, ‘I have been given the option in this matter and thus I have decided [to lead his funeral prayer]. If I knew that he were to be forgiven only after I had prayed 70 times for his forgiveness, I would have certainly prayed even more than that.’” Hazrat Umar(ra) relates, “And so, the Holy Prophet(sa) led his funeral prayer and then returned. It was soon after that the following two verses of Surah al-Bara, i.e. Surah al-Taubah, were revealed:

وَلَا تُصَلِّ عَلٰی أَحَدٍ مِّنْہُمْ مَّاتَ أَبَدًا وَلَا تَقُمْ عَلٰى قَبْرِہٖ إِنَّہُمْ کَفَرُوْا بِاللّٰہِ وَرَسُوْلِہٖ وَمَاتُوْا وَہُمْ فَاسِقُوْنَ

‘And never pray thou for any of them that dies, nor stand by his grave for they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger and died while they were disobedient. [Surah al-Taubah, Ch.9: V.84]’”

Hazrat Umar(ra) states, “Thereafter, I was shocked as to how I had the courage that day to stand before the Holy Prophet(sa) and speak to him in such a manner because Allah and His Messenger(sa) know best.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Janaiz, Hadith no. 1366)