بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ

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Hazrat Asim bin Thabit(ra)

A Badri Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa)

(Friday Sermon - August 24, 2018 )


His father was Thabit bin Qais and his mother’s name was Shamoos bint Abu Aamir. The Holy Prophet(sa) established a bond of brotherhood between him and Abdullah bin Jahash.

At the Battle of Uhud, when the disbelievers of Mecca launched a sudden attack, which caused a panic amongst the Muslims, Hazrat Asim(ra) remained steadfast in his position next to the Holy Prophet(sa). He pledged allegiance to the Holy Prophet(sa) that he would be willing to offer his life for him. He was among the archers appointed by the Holy Prophet(sa). (Al-Tabkaat-ul-Qubra Li-ibn Sa‘d, Pt. 3, p. 243, Asim bin Thabit, Maktaba Dar-ul-Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon, 1996)

He belonged to the Aus tribe and took part in the Battle of Badr. (Usdul Ghaba Fi Marifati Al-Sahaba, Vol. 3, p. 5, Asim bin Thabit, Maktaba Dar-ul-Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon, 2003)

Statement at the Battle of Badr

On the day of the Battle of Badr, the Holy Prophet(sa) asked the Companions as to how they would fight when confronted by the enemy. Hazrat Asim(ra) replied, “O Messenger of Allah(sa), when they are in range of our arrows, we will use our arrows. When they come close enough that our stones can reach them, we will use stones.” He then lifted three stones in one hand and placed two in the other hand. He then stated, “When they come close enough to attack with our spears, we will fight them with spears. When our spears break, we will fight them with our swords.”

Upon this, the Holy Prophet(sa) said, “Indeed, this is the correct way to fight in a battle.” He further said, “Whoever wishes to fight should fight according to the way Asim has described.” (Al-Mujam Al-Kabir, Hafiz Abu Qasim Sulaiman Ahmad Tibrani, Vol. 5, p. 34, Rifa‘a bin Al-Munzir…Dar-ul-Hayaa, Al-Turath Al-Arabi, 2002)

During those times, wars were only fought with swords and spears, and this was the only method of war. Stones were also used. It was not like nowadays where they kill even innocent people and children by shelling at them.

A non-Muslim wrote a book in which he mentions the wars fought by the Holy Prophet(sa) and said, “Allegations are levelled against Muhammad as to why he fought wars. A few hundred or a thousand people may have died during the battles he fought, but those who consider themselves ‘progressive’ and ‘advocates for humanity’ killed more than 70 million people, the majority of whom were ordinary citizens.”

He was referring to the Second World War. However, today, regrettably, Muslims are seeking help from those same people and Muslims are killing fellow Muslims without any distinction.

Instead of employing the method [of the Holy Prophet(sa)] wherein in he only attacked in response to the enemy’s attack and even then, the various means adopted to attack were only once it came close, however these people are initiating the attack themselves and killing innocent people.

Praise of the Holy Prophet(sa)

It is mentioned in another narration that Hazrat Ali(ra) returned with his sword on the day of the Battle of Uhud and it had become bent due to intense fighting. Hazrat Ali(ra) said to Hazrat Fatima(ra), “Keep this commendable sword. It will prove useful in the battlefield.” The Messenger of Allah(sa) heard what he had said. Thus, he said, “If you have shown excellence with the sword today, then Sahl bin Hunaif, Abu Dujanah, Asim bin Thabit and Haris bin Sama have also shown excellent swordsmanship.” (Al-Mustadrak Ala Al-Sahihain, Hafiz Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Abdullah, Kitaab-ul-Maghaazi Wa Al-Sair, Vol. 5, p. 1623, Hadith no. 4309, Maktaba Nazaar Mustafa Al-Baaz, Mecca, Riyadh, 2000)

In a narration it is mentioned that the Holy Prophet(sa) conferred a favour upon one of the prisoners of Badr, Abu Azza Amr bin Abdullah – a poet – by setting him free. The reason for this was that he said, “O Muhammad, I have five daughters and I am their only guardian. Hence, please set me free for them as an act of charity.” Subsequently, the Holy Prophet(sa) set him free. Upon this, Abu Azza said, “I make a solemn pledge to you that I will never fight you in the future, nor will I assist anyone in their wars against you”. Hearing this, the Holy Prophet(sa) sent him back and freed him without receiving anything in return.

When the Quraish were about to leave for Uhud, Safwan bin Umayyah went to him and urged him to go with them. He replied, “I have made a firm pledge with Muhammad that I will never fight him, and neither will I assist in any wars against him. He had conferred this favour upon me and upon no one else.” Hearing this, Safwan gave him a guarantee that if he were to be killed, he [Safwan] would adopt his daughters and if he was to survive, he would give him a mountain of wealth, which would only be for his family. (In other words, Safwan was enticing him to join them in the battle by saying that if he was to be killed, he would treat his daughters like his own, but if he survived he would be given an abundance of wealth).

Upon this, Abu Azza started to gather other Arab tribes and incite them for war. (He not only participated himself, rather, he went to gather other people from other tribes to fight the Muslims).

He then left for the Battle of Uhud alongside the Quraish and was once again imprisoned during the war. No one else from among the Quraish was imprisoned alongside him. Hence, when he was captured, he was asked about the oath he made. He replied, “O Muhammad(sa)! I was compelled to fight as I have daughters to look after. Please be kind towards me.”

(He repeated the same excuse saying that he had to look after his daughters and for the Holy Prophet(sa) to show him kindness. The Holy Prophet(sa) had shown compassion to him previously and he was set free. However, he came out to fight again).

Upon this, the Holy Prophet(sa) said, “What about the pledge that you made with me? Absolutely not!” This cannot be allowed. “By God! You will not be permitted to roam around Mecca saying that you”, God forbid, “deceived and fooled Muhammad twice.”

According to another narration, the Holy Prophet(sa) said that certainly, a believer cannot be bitten twice from the same hole. He then commanded Asim(ra) bin Thabit to kill him. Asim(ra)stepped forward and beheaded him. (Kitab-ul-Maghaazi, Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Umar, Vol. 1, pp. 110-111, Badr-ul-Qitaal, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, 2004)

Thus, these people were handed out punishments after having committed such injustices and breaking their pledges, but yet, people criticise the character of the Holy Prophet(sa) saying that he was guilty of cruelties, God forbid.

These days [Geert] Wilders, a politician in Holland, is exceeding all bounds in attacking the character of the Holy Prophet(sa). If he can show examples of the aforementioned forgiveness in this world, or even in his own country, then his allegations can be justified to a certain extent. However, he will never be able to show such examples.

Incident of Raji and Hazrat Asim(ra)

Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib(ra) has mentioned the incident of Raji and Hazrat Asim(ra) in Sirat Khatam-un-Nabiyyeen [The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets(sa)]. He writes:

“In the month of Safar 4 AH, the Holy Prophet(sa) assembled a party of ten Companions, and appointed Asim bin Thabit(ra) as their Amir [leader] and ordered them to secretly go towards Mecca and obtain intelligence with regards to the Quraish, and then inform him about their plans and motives.

“However, this party had not yet departed, when a few people from the tribes of Adal and Qarah presented themselves before the Holy Prophet(sa), and said that many people from among their tribes were inclined towards Islam and that the Holy Prophet(sa) should send a few men with them, who could convert them to Islam and educate them.

“The Holy Prophet(sa) was pleased to hear their request and the same party which had been assembled for the reconnaissance mission was sent off with them instead. However as was later discovered, these people were liars and had come to Medina upon the incitement of the Banu Lahyan, who sought revenge for the execution of their chief, Sufyan bin Khalid, and had thus contrived the plan that when the Muslims come out of Medina on this pretence, they would attack them.

“In lieu of this service, the Banu Lahyan promised the people of Adal and Qarah a hefty reward of many camels. When the treacherous people of Adal and Qarah reached between Asfan and Mecca, they secretly sent a message to the Banu Lahyan that the Muslims were accompanying them and that they should come as well (in order to kill them). Upon this, 200 young men from the Banu Lahyan, 100 of whom were archers, set forth in pursuit of the Muslims, and subdued them at a place known as Raji. But how could 10 Muslims compete against 200 warriors?

“The Muslims, however, had not been taught to throw in their arms. The Companions immediately ascended to a nearby hillock and prepared for battle. The disbelievers, who did not consider deception as being reprehensible, called out to them and said, ‘Come down from the mountain, we give you a firm promise that we shall not kill you.’ Asim(ra) responded, ‘We have no confidence whatsoever in your treaties and agreements. We cannot descend on your guarantee.’ Then, he raised his head towards the heaven and said, ‘O God! You are witnessing our state. Do convey knowledge of our condition to Your Messenger.’

“Hence, Asim(ra) and his companions stood and fought and were eventually martyred in battle.” (Sirat Khatam-ul-Nabiyyeen, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra), pp. 513-514)

He further writes, “In the context of this very incident of Raji, a narration has been related that when the Quraish received news that Asim bin Thabit(ra) was also among those who had been martyred at Raji at the hands of the Banu Lahyan, since Asim(ra) had slain a principal chieftain of the Quraish, they especially sent some men towards Raji, and emphatically instructed them to return with the head of Asim(ra) or another part of his body, so that they could be put to rest and their thirst for revenge could be quenched.

“In another narration it is also mentioned that the mother of the person who was killed by Asim, Sulafa bint Sa‘d, had vowed that she would drink wine from the skull of the person who killed her son. However, the power of God was such that when these people arrived there, lo and behold, they found swarms of hornets and male honey bees resting upon the body of Asim(ra) and they just would not move at all.

“These people tried their level best to send off these hornets and bees, but no attempt proved successful. Finally, with no other choice, they returned frustrated and unsuccessful. Soon after, a storm of rain came and took the body of Asim(ra) elsewhere.

“It is written that upon accepting Islam, Asim(ra) vowed that he would completely abstain from anything that was polytheistic, to the extent that he would not even touch an idolater. When Hazrat Umar(ra) was informed of his martyrdom and of this occurrence in particular, he said, ‘Look how beautifully Allah guards the emotions of his beloved servants. He fulfilled the vow of Asim(ra) even after his demise and safeguarded him from the touch of idolaters.’” (Seerat Khatam-ul-Nabiyyeen, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra), p. 516)

Hazrat Asim(ra) is also known as Hami-ud-Dabar i.e. the person who was saved by wasps or bees. Even after his death, God Almighty protected him through the wasps.

Following the martyrdom of Hazrat Asim and his companions, the Holy Prophet(sa) offered the prayer of Qunut during the Fajr prayer for an entire month, in which he cursed the tribes of Rihl, Zakwan and Banu Lahyan. (Usdul Ghaba Fi Marifati Al-Sahaba, Vol. 3, p. 6, Maktaba Dar-ul-ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, 2008)

Firing arrows and manner of fighting

In another tradition it is narrated that Hazrat Asim(ra) would fire arrows towards the enemy and would repeat the following couplet:

اَلْمَوْتُ حَقٌّ وَالْحَيٰوةُ بَاطِلُ

وَكُلُّ مَا قَضَي الْاِلٰهُ نَازِلُ

بِالْمَرْئِ وَالْمَرْئُ اِلَيْهِ اٰيِلُ

That is to say that death is inevitable, and the worldly endeavours are futile, and whatever God Almighty has decreed for man shall surely come to pass and man has no choice but to accept it.

When Hazrat Asim(ra) ran out of arrows, he began fighting with a spear. When that too broke, he took out his sword and lost his life in battle. (Al-Sira Al-Halbiyyah, Allama Abu Farj Nuruddin Ali bin Ibrahim, Vol. 3, p. 234, Sirya Raji, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, 2002)