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Hazrat Yazid bin Thabit(ra)

A Badri Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa)

(Friday Sermon - November 29, 2019 )


Hazrat Yazid bin Thabit(ra) was a Badri companion of the Holy Prophet(sa). He belonged to a family of Banu Malik bin Najjar from the Khazraj tribe of the Ansar. Hazrat Yazid’s(ra) father was Thabit bin Zahaak, and his mother’s name was Nawaar bint Malik. Hazrat Yazid(ra) was the elder brother of Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit(ra). (Usdul Ghabah, Vol. 3, p. 137, Zaid bin Thabit(ra), Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2008) (Usdul Ghabah, Vol. 4, p. 677, Zaid bin Thabit(ra), Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2008)


He married Dubaiyyah bint Thabit. (al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 254, Thabit bin Khalid, Dar Ihyaa al-Turath al-Arabi, Beirut, 1996)

Participation in Battles

It is said that he participated in both the battles of Badr and Uhud. He was martyred in 12 AH in the Battle of Yamama, during the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra). According to another narration, he was struck by an arrow on the day of Yamama and owing to this injury, he passed away while returning from this battle. (al-Isti‘ab, Vol. 4, p. 132, Zaid bin Thabit(ra), Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2002) (Kitab al-Thiqaat li ibn Habban, Vol. 1, p. 468, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1998)

Respect of the Holy Prophet(sa) For the Deceased

Hazrat Yazid bin Thabit(ra) narrates that they were sitting in the company of the Holy Prophet(sa) when they saw a funeral pass by them. The Holy Prophet(sa) stood up, and everyone sitting around the Holy Prophet(sa) also stood up. They remained standing until the funeral had passed. (Sunan an-Nisa‘i, Kitabul Jana’iz, Bab al-Amru bil Qiyaami Lil Jana’iz, Hadith 1902)

The details of this incident are recorded in another narration as follows:

Hazrat Yazid bin Thabit(ra) narrates that he was sitting along with a group of Companions(ra) in the company of the Holy Prophet(sa) when a funeral passed by. When the Holy Prophet(sa) saw this, he stood up immediately and the Companions(ra) followed suit. They continued to stand until the funeral had passed by them. Hazrat Yazid(ra) states, “By God! I do not think that the Holy Prophet(sa) stood up due to some discomfort or a lack of space. I also think that this was the funeral of a Jewish man or a Jewish woman, and we did not ask the Holy Prophet(sa) as to the reason why he stood up for it.” (al-Musannaf li Ibn Abi Shaibah, Vol. 3, p. 732, Kitabul Jana‘iz, Man Qaala Yuqamu lil Jana‘iz idhaa marrat, Hadith 12030, Maktabah Rahmaniyyah, Lahore)

There is another narration by Hazrat Yazid bin Thabit(ra), which is from Sunan al-Nisai.

Hazrat Yazid bin Thabit(ra) states, “The Holy Prophet(sa) came outside and saw a new grave” (In fact, this is a different incident being narrated altogether). He states, “We went outside with the Holy Prophet(sa). Upon seeing a new grave, the Holy Prophet(sa) asked, ‘What is this?’ The companions(ra) responded, ‘This is the grave of the slave girl who belonged to such and such tribe.’ The Holy Prophet(sa) knew who the grave belonged to. The Companions(ra) informed the Holy Prophet(sa) that she passed away earlier in the afternoon while he was resting. They said that they did not deem it suitable to wake him up at the time as he was resting. When the Holy Prophet(sa) heard this, he stood up. The companions formed rows behind the Holy Prophet(sa), who then recited takbir four times.” Meaning that the Holy Prophet(sa) stood by her grave, instructed everyone to form rows and offered her funeral prayer. The Holy Prophet(sa) then stated, “As long as I remain among you, you must inform me when any one of you passes away, because my prayer serves as a mercy for the deceased.” (Sunan al-Nisai, Kitabul Jana’iz, Bab As-Salatu Alaa al-Qabr, Hadith 2022)

Similarly, this narration is also recorded in Muslim, Sunan Abi Daud and Ibn-e-Maja. It is mentioned in Ibn-e-Maja in the following manner:

Hazrat Yazid bin Thabit(ra), who was older than Zaid(ra), states that they were once in the company of the Holy Prophet(sa). When the Holy Prophet(sa) reached Jannatul Baqee‘, he discovered that a new grave had been dug.The Holy Prophet(sa) enquired about the grave, to which the Companions(ra) replied that it was the grave of such and such woman. The narrator says that the Holy Prophet(sa) recognised her and asked why they did not inform him about her? They replied that he was resting in the afternoon and he was also fasting. Hence, they did not wish to burden him. Upon this, the Holy Prophet(sa) said, “Do not perform any deed that I am unaware of.” In other words, “I have never ordered you as such. As long as I remain among you, you must inform me of whoever passes away. The reason for this is that my prayer will become a source of mercy for that individual.” Following this, the Holy Prophet(sa) went to her grave. They formed rows behind the Holy Prophet(sa),who then recited four takbirat. (Sunan Ibn Majah, Kitabul Jana‘iz, Bab Maa Jaa’a fi as-Salati Alaa al-Qabr, Hadith 1528)

There is another narration from Sahih al-Bukhari, which has been narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah(ra), and is in relation to a woman of dark complexion and of offering her funeral prayer at her grave. In this narration it is mentioned that she used to sweep the floor in Masjid-e-Nabawi [the mosque of the Holy Prophet(sa) in Medina]. One day, this woman who used to sweep Masjid-e-Nabawi, passed away. When the Holy Prophet(sa) did not see her for several days, he enquired about her, upon which the companions(ra) informed him that she had passed away. Upon this, the Holy Prophet(sa) said, “Were you not going to inform me about this? Tell me where this woman’s grave is.” Hence, the Holy Prophet(sa) visited her grave and led her funeral prayer. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitabus Salah, Bab Kansul Masjid wa Iltiqaadh al-Kharq, Hadith 458) (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitabus Salah, Bab bil Hadhmi lil Masjid, Hadith 460).

The author of Injaz-ul-Haajah, a commentary of Sunan Ibn Majah, writes that this woman had dark complexion. Imam Bayhaqi has mentioned her name to be Umme Mehjan and Ibn Manda has mentioned her name to be Kharqa. She has been counted among the female companions. It is also possible that her name was Kharqa and that Umme Mehjan was her title; i.e. both of these names are correct. (Sharh Ibn Majah, Vol. 4, p. 332, Kitabul Jana’iz, Bab Maa Jaa’a fi as-Salati Alaa al-Qabr, Hadith 1527, Dar an-Noor, Islamabad, 2011)