بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ
Al Islam
The Official Website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Muslims who believe in the Messiah,
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian
Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as), Love for All, Hatred for None.
Al Islam
The Official Website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Holy Quran
Holy Prophet
Promised Messiah
Friday Sermon
Frequently Asked Questions
Islamic Jurisprudence
When should Salat be offered and what are the forbidden times?
Eid on a Friday
Quran recitation in the third and fourth rak‘ah of the sunnah prayers
Are specific words essential for the Niyyah of Salat?
Is it necessary for the person who gave the Adhan to call Iqamah?
Qunut during Friday Prayers
Is Janzah Prayer Considered Salat?
Can Jumuah Prayers Be Offered Twice in One Mosque?
Reciting Basmalah During Congregational Salat
What kind of clothes should one wear for Salat and which parts of the body should remain covered?
When is a rak‘ah of Salat in congregation considered as missed?
Can one rush to join the ruku?
Can one wait for the Imam or other worshippers to gather, before starting congregational Salat?
In places where there are unusual timings of sunlight, how can Salat timings be set?
Can women lead men in Salat?
What is the correct view on Salat at-Tasbih?
How can one attain pleasure and delight in Salat?
What is the ruling on social distancing during congregational Salat?
Can Dua-e-Qunut be read during the Friday prayers?
Is it permissible to conduct prayers such as Salat at-tarawih virtually?
How should one follow an imam who is leading Salat while sitting?
Does it amount to shirk to say ‘as-salaamu ‘alaika ayyuha n-nabiyyu’ (Peace be on you, O Prophet!) during Salat?
How can one wake up for Tahajjud prayer during winter?
Is sleeping necessary to offer Tahajjud?
When does the time for Tahajjud start and end?
Methods of performing the witr prayer
How many rak’aat are there in Tahajjud prayers?
How to offer Tahajjud prayer?
When to offer Witr prayers?
What if someone misses Witr prayers?
Should an Imam recite the Basmalah loudly?
How to make up for missed Salat?
When does the time for Isha prayer end?
Is it permissible for one who fears they might miss Salat to hurriedly join the Salat by doing Tayammum?
Are Sunnah prayers important to offer?
What to do if someone does not know the prayer for Istikhara?
If someone sneezes during Salat should they say “Alhamdolillah”?
Can a woman lead men in prayer?
Renewing wudu after passing wind